Bring on the Rain

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Today of all days my stupid car decides to break down! I was late for work I tanked the interview and the heel on my Jimmy Choo broke off!!!!! Fuuuck what else could go wrong ?????? Ah shit!!! I had to ask, leave it to Mother Nature to gift us with a torrential downpour!!!!! I call my bestie Jamie as usual he takes an eternity to answer the phone J:"Playboy Mansion!" Me:"Really" J:"Oh shit Babe sorry, what's up?" Me:"I need a ride my stupid car won't start." J:"No problem babe where you at?" Me:"In front of the art gallery" J:"I'll be right there" Me:"Thanks Hun, I'll be the one wearing the water" Jamie chuckles J:"You crack me up" the 15 minutes it takes him to get here feel like an eternity, within minutes I'm soaked to the bone Me:"Great I'll be in my death bed by morning!!!!" We get home and I shower and change out of my wet clothes. Oh did I forget to mention we're also roommates, we've been friends since we were kids he's like the kid brother I never had.

He yells out from the living room "Catch you later I'm out" I go out to the top of the stairs Me:"Where are you going?" I've got a hot date with Looola" he says her name like its a delicacy Me:"Jamie you're hopeless" J:"But you love me anyway. I already called the mechanic we'll be picking up your car in the morning" Me:"Thanks babe I owe you one, have fun." he heads out and I go to my room to change, I'm toweling off my hair when I hear a knock at my door Me:"Dear Lord Jamie what did you forget this time your speedos or your condoms" I open the door and nearly go into shock Him:"I don't wear speedos and I've brought my own" Oh Shit!!! Me:"I'm sorry I thought you were....." Him:"Jamie. I'm guessing I just missed him" I'm turning fifty shades of red Me:"Yeah..... you did." It's still pouring out his hair is wet so is his jacket Me:"Oh God where are my manners come in, you're soaked" he gives me a crooked little smile Him:"If you promise not to bite" I look at him like really, you're kidding me right? Me:" Not last time I checked, not hard anyway" Him:"I don't know..... " Me:"Would you just get in here before you catch a viral plague" Him:"Bossy much" Me:"Oh my God who are you, Jamie's long lost twin?" Him:"I could be if you want me to" Me:"Oh God No! One of him in this world is enough thank you very much" Him:"Good point. I'm Jared by the way" Me:"I'm Nina" we shake hands and it's like a faint surge of electricity flows from his body to mine. Me:"Can I have my hand back?" He blushes J:"Sorry" Me:" Please come in" he steps inside and only then do I realize, I just got out of the shower I'm wearing no make up, a T-Shirt and undies. Ah Crap!!!! Me:"Um uh, I'm gonna go get you a towel, make yourself at home" J:"Thanks"

I go up stairs to my room and put on a flirty top and shorts , do my 5 minute make up routine and put my hair up into a pony tail. I grab a towel from the linen closet and go back downstairs. You've got to be kidding me, he did not fall asleep! He's siting on the couch he's wearing a half opened flannel revealing a wife beater underneath, black jeans and unzipped boots. His head tilted back God he's so beautiful. I so want to caress his face but I don't want to freak him out instead I touch his chest lightly Me:"Jared.......Jared" great now ...... he makes a half growling noise as his eyes open and his hands tickle my waist. I squeal out in shock J:"Gotcha!" I playfully slap his arm Me:"Ugh you scared me you brat" he laughs Me:"What?....... What's so funny?" J:"Nothing!" He looks me up and down J:"Hmmm......" Me:"Hmmm what?" J:"Weren't you wearing a lot less clothes last time I saw you?" I blush again but play it off and pretend to be shocked Me:"Uh! Fresh much?" I cross my arms over my chest pushing up the twins he looks over at me and give a wicked little smirk J:"Nope! Just very observant" Me:"Mmmhmmm I've noticed" after a few moments of awkward silence he shifts in his seat J:"So umm Jamie's description of you was .......different" I bet it was Me:"So what were you expecting a mousy librarian with glasses and zero fashion sense, or a snaggletooth hag on a broomstick?" God his laugh is so sexy J:"No! Not at all he just forgot to mention how beautiful you are" he moves random strands of hair away from my face and I blush again Me:"Maybe because he sees me like his sister" his voice drops to a whisper as he leans in J:"Yeah....maybe" his lips touch mine softly gently, his kiss is sweet and gentle J:"I'm sorry, I......." Me:"Don't be....I'm not" I lean in to him and he takes my lips again, this time with want, with need. We pull away reluctantly our lips still dancing on each others he smiles and bites his lower lip.

The rain outside has turned into a torrential downpour drumming out its sweet melody on the roof, the skies above come alive with the clapping of thunder, lightning flickering through my windows every now and again. I look up at the ceiling then back at him Me:"Looks like you're stuck here for the time being" J:"Yeah.....looks like I am" his lips find mine once more and he kisses me again lingering savoring wanting more, his hand in my hair cradling caressing my neck. We pull away and try to catch our breath enjoying the moment. Butterflies flutter in my stomach as a sweet sense of intoxication takes over my body. Me:"Mmmmm....... you want some coffee, tea, hot chocolate?" He wanted to say "you" but was afraid of coming on too strong he just met her, he knows this but there's something about her and undeniable pull that he's helpless to resist. J:"Coffee's good" Me:"Ok, I'll be right back" I get up and he gently pulls me back, on instinct I straddle him and he swells with desire my body lets out a slight lustful moan at the feel of him. I want him but not now not like this, can't have him thinking that I'm only want him for the pleasure of it, he's different I want more than just sex with him. Me:"I think I better go make that coffee before we get ourselves into a world of trouble" he gives me a mischievous look as he reaches for my lips again J:"Would that be so bad" Me:" Mmmm....... You make it so hard to say no to you" J:"That's the whole point" his hand goes into my hair again gently pulling me towards him.

We get lost in each other's touch kissing caressing nibbling, we are so drunk with desire lost in our virtual sensual nirvana that we don't notice the lights flickering on and off repeatedly. The storm rages on outside, lightning dancing across the grey night sky, a loud clap of thunder shakes the townhouse pulling us out of our nirvana, the lights flicker finally going out. J:"So much for that coffee" I giggle Me:" much for coffee" we move to the fire place where spend the rest of the night talking about anything and everything stealing kisses here and there and eventually falling asleep in each other's arms

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