One Night In Paris

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Just wanted to wish my sweet Dirtybirdie a very Happy Birthday! Love you bug hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it for you.

She sits at the gate watching planes land and take off to and from destinations unknown. A part of her tears up as she reflects on the amazing weekend she spent on Obonjan with her extended family the Echelon and her favorite band 30 Seconds to Mars. She made lots of new friends and got re-acquainted with old ones. It felt so good to finally be able to put a face to a name. She spent days walking the Island and swimming in the ocean, she jumped and touched the sky and got to watch her one and only drum God do what he does best. Her favorite part was Coffee Time With Shannon 2.0 where Shannon talked about the rebranding of Blackfuel and his plans for the future. The island was so warm and inviting, the water a crystalline blue, the sand felt warm under her feet and the water cool and soothing on her skin. The weekend was absolutely perfect and enirely too short, as she took one last look at the island she vowed to return to it if the fates allowed. She sips on her iced coffee as she makes a final entry into her travel journal, she reffers back to her camera roll now and again to remember a certain a memory or nuance that she wants to capture in her entry. She smiles, giggles and tears up every now again at her memories forever preserved in the photo roll of her phone. Please GOD let me do this all over again next year .......

"Attention all passsengers, we will now begin boarding Air Paris flight 6277 with destinaion to Paris, France. We would like to ask all passengers to proceed to gate 30 to commence boarding. Once again......" She finishes her entry, drops the journal in her bag and gathers her things and proceeds to her gate. As per usual First Class passengers, people with disabilities and minors flying alone are allowed to board first. Her heart beats a little faster when she thinks she sees a familiar figure in the first batch of passengers but shakes it off, most likely than not it was just her tired weepy eyes playing tricks on her. She hopes to satisfy her curiosity when she boards but finds the First Class section partioned off to the left of the entry hatch hmm maybe it was just my eyes playing tricks on me. She finds her seat and settles in for the short flight to Paris. She looks out the window as the plane takes off and bids Croatia farewell one day maybe we'll meet again

A little over two hours later the plane makes its entry into Parisian airspace. Attention all passengers we shall begin our decent into the Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport shortly, please return your trays to their upright positions....." Damn it, just when I was starting to dose off, oh well there'll be plenty of time to sleep when I get to the hotel. The view of the city below is amazing againts the setting sun. Hues of watercolor yellows, oranges, pinks and purples paint the evening sky as they decent into Paris. she still couldnt beleive she was here. It had always been her dream to visit Paris maybe even call it home, something about this beautiful city just called to her heart. She was only going to be here for 3 days but she was going make the most of it. She found a beautiful hotel/Airbnb just minutes away from the Eiffel Tower. The website featured a picturesque old world building with a beautiful courtyard and a private terrarium style courtyard that houses the pool, hot tub and lounge area. If her research was correct there's a small shop down the street where she can purchase some items to stock the small kitchenette. La Mason Sofitel was even more beautiful in person, her room on the second floor had a perfect view of the Eiffel Tower. She steps out onto the balcony to admire its beauty, pictures just don't do it justice. Tears of joy roll down her cheeks, she can't believe she's finally here.

She unpacks her essentials takes a quick shower to freshen up then heads out for a bite to eat and some essentials for next few days. She finds a quaint little cafe where she orders Ratatouille and a glass of red wine. The tables in the outside patio are perfect way of taking in the sights and sounds as the small street slowly comes to life with people in search of groceries or a bite to eat. The food is even better and the wine sweeter that she expected. After dinner she walks to a little market she researched on line and buys a few essentials for her little kitchenette; cheese cracker fruits and veggies, water and of course a bottle of wine. There'll be plenty of time for sightseeing tomorrow, she was excited to see the Eiffel Tower and the Place du Tertre in Montmartre.

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