Picture Perfect

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It's been a long week, it's Friday there's not much to do at the office. She figures what the hell I'll play hooky today. She picks up her camera gets in her Landrover and heads to destinations unknown. She decides to start her day at the riverfront. She buys coffee and a pastry from a nearby coffee shop and goes outside to enjoy her morning treat. She watches as the day awakens and the riverfront fills with people going to and from. Occasionally she picks up her camera and takes a picture, a mother and child on their way to school perhaps, a hand full of pigeons fighting over breadcrumbs she presumes, an older gentleman stopping to check his pocket watch he almost looks like he's out of time somehow like he belongs in a different era.

As she snaps away she sees him, a handsome man in a black leather jacket, tight jeans, and sunglasses. She zooms in on him and starts taking his picture. He takes off his glasses and her heart almost stops, he isn't just handsome, he's beautiful. He has beautiful full lips and sexy bedroom hazel eyes. He looks right at her camera, busted! Should she continue or play it off and switch her focus? A puppy runs past dragging it's leash it's owner, an older woman, not far behind. She shift her focus and snaps away. She returns to him but he is gone. She lowers her camera but he's nowhere in sight. Her heart sinks, she take a look at his pictures and wonders. She sits the camera on the table and finishes her coffee. Him:"You know, I should file charges against you for stalking" Her:"I'm sorry what!" She looks up at him, she glances at her view finder turns the camera slightly and looks back at him, he's even more beautiful up close. He looks at her camera Him:"You've been taking my picture" Her:"Have I?" She smiles and blushes. Him"I love rosie cheeks" she blushes again Him:"yeah, like that" Her:"That's a lot of coffee" Him:"What?" She looks at the two coffee cups in his hands. Him:"Oh, this one's for you, I think it's about time for a refill" Her:"Yes it is, thank you. It's awfully sweet of you" Him:"I'm Shannon by the way" Her:"I'm Julie,.......I'm sorry please sit" S:"Are you a Photographer?" J:"Not professionally no, but it is a passion of mine." S:"So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?" J:"Don't know, I figured I'd jump in the car and head wherever the road might lead." S:"Mind if I join you" Heart begins to race J:"I'd love it"

They spend the day together taking selfies, pictures of each other, pictures together. They stop at a small food joint at the beach, have a quick bite to eat, go for a walk on the beach to watch the sun set. J:"I'm so happy I played hooky today" S:"So am I, I wouldn't have found you otherwise" he stops walking and looks deep into her eyes. His hand gently caresses her face S:"You're so beautiful" he pulls her close and savors her lips. As he kisses her she places her hand on his chest, she can feel the drumming of his heart against her fingertips. S:"It's yours" her own hearts swells with emotion, she pulls him close and devours his lips. He smiles at her as his fingers gently dance on her cheek, her jawline, her neck. She closes her eyes and enjoys his touch, his fingers end their dance over her heart J"It's yours" his lips trace where his fingers have been. S:"Do you want me" J:"Take what you need I'm yours." He lowers them onto the sand, and they get lost in eachother's embrace. As the sun sets over the horizon their hearts and souls become one.


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