Dance with me

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This is for Fiction4TheFans hope it was worth the wait sweetie enjoy 😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕

Ariel was a young aspiring dancer with dreams of moving to NY and studying dance at Juilliard. She's hard working and driven if she was gonna make it to Juilliard she had to keep her eyes on the prize. Her job was not the best in the world but hey it was honest work, it payed the bills and she got to do what she loves best, Dance!!!!! It was still early, the doors to the Burlesque Club wouldn't open for another few hours. Ariel was alone on stage going over one of the numbers she'd be performing that night, she turns on the iPod strapped to her arm inserts the earbuds, closes her eyes and begins her dance. The other dancers just put their music in the club's sound system and rehearse but not Ariel when rehearsing she liked to block everything out, this way she can perfect and fine tune without distractions. She move her body to the beat of the song, her movements are fluid and graceful when the rhythm is slow and strong and powerful when it speeds up. She's lost in the music swaying, spinning, rising and falling.

He watches her dance, mesmarized by the way her body ebbs and flows to an unheard melody. Admittedly it's not the first time he has done so, normally he just watches but tonight he wants to join her, even if only for a dance. He sits not at his drum kit but in front of the orchestra pit. He takes a pair of bongo drums his strong hands hover over the drums as he studies her moves, before long he begins to tap out a beat in sync with her dance. She can't hear him at first but soon feels the beat of the drums. At first she thinks she's imagining things but soon realizes there's an extra beat to her song her eyes flutter open and the beat stops she searches the room sees nothing adjust the volume on her iPod and begins to dance again. Within seconds the drums begin their rhythmic beating once more, she smiles and dances to the sound of the bongos. She's caught on and he smiles. She'd caught him watching her before, she hoped it meant something wanted it to mean something but did not dare to get her hopes up. He is beautiful and flawless that chiseled body those hazel eyes that look straight into your very soul. She's so lost in the music and her imaginings that she doesn't notice that the bongos have stopped

She stops to feel the music and tweek the routine, she's going over the routine in her head when she feels his hands caress her arms, his body press up to hers, his breathe on her neck and shoulder. A:"Shannon" S:"Dance with me" she begins to sway her hips, he pulls her close to his body and mimics her moves. She can feel his every ripple and curve, he grinds against her his desire for her swelling a sultry moan escaping her lips. He brings her arm up placing her hand around his neck he caresses the length of her arm and the side of her breast as his lips trail kisses down her arm and shoulder. Her lips find his neck and he lets out a sexy growl, he spins her around so she's facing him he pulls her close and takes her lips. when their lips part she smiles sweetly, she bends back in a semi-circle and he takes her lips again. They sway their hips in tune with each other pulling her close then back then close again his manhood about to bursts out of his pants. They get lost in their own sensual nirvana kissing, grinding, fondling, pushing, pulling their hearts threatening to beat out of their chest. She straddles his hips as he devours her lips and they loose themselves in each other's touch. Never before had they experienced this reckless abandon he wants her but not here not like this, but he can't will himself to stop

The lights come up and the owner's voice booms loudly over the main floor and stage, Charlie:"Excuse me lovebirds but if you two are done fucking each other I've got a club to run. I open in an hour I expected you two to be composed by then" they look at her in shock and then back at each other. Still in each other's arms they smile and giggle as they try to catch their breathe. S:"Sorry boss I um ....was..." A:"He was helping me with my routine" Charlie gives them a sly smirk C:"Oh yeah, he was helping you alright" he turns to Ariel and gives her a wicked little grin S:"Can I take you home tonight?" She smiles coquettely A:"Absolutely" he takes her lips one last time before letting her go S:"Tonight you're mine" A:"Tonight I'm yours"

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