The Beard Is Offended

400 14 17

Just realized if Jared is playing the Joker the Beard is gonna have to go. So to celebrate I wrote this silly little one shot!


So it's the night before Jared begins filming of his new movie "The Suicide Squad" it dawned on him early on that The Joker has never had a beard so he he knew the beard would eventually have to come off. He's been delaying the inevitable but filming start bright and early tomorrow and he can't show up with the beard so...... He takes a warm shower and after 15 minutes of cleaning up and cleansing certain regions we only fantasize about ........ Huh?.....What? Oh yeah the beard the beard ok where was I ..... Oh yes, so  he steps out of the shower and towels off that sexy body and....... Dang it snap out of it girl and tell the story already! Anywho.... He wraps the towel around his waist combs and primps his beautiful ombré hair then pulls it up into a man bun and....and ...... and....... Ah hell ......Again??? Really??? ...... Sorry! So anyway moving on..... Jared takes out the beard trimmer, shaving cream and his razor. He takes one last look at his bearded face J:"Oh well it was good while it lasted, I'm gonna miss you"

The beard sees the hair trimmer, shaving cream and razor and begins to panic😬😬😬😬😬😬😬 B:"No Jared please don't!!!" J:"Sorry buddy I have no choice" B:"But think of all the good times we've......... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah 😱😱😱😱😱" Jared Hums as he trims, the poor beard is in shock. Jared puts the trimmer down and the beard sniffles and thinks to itself "Well at least a part of me is still here" wait what's he..... No no no no no ..... Jared dispenses the shaving cream B:"No not that! Please Jared I'll do anything....... aaaaah that feels nice actually mmmm" Jared picks up the razor and begins to shave B:" aaaaaahhhhhh Nooooo help somebody please stop him he's killing me........ The pain the agony........ Good bye cruel world" and just like that Jared and the Echelon kiss the beard good bye. Jared looks into the mirror and says J:"I don't look half bad actually" the remnants of the beard looks at Jared and says B:"Traitor" And  The Echelon rejoiced and they all lived happily ever after.

                           The End

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