The Ultimate Meet & Greet

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It's finally here the night we've both been waiting for my best friend Julie and I are going to the 30 Seconds to Mars Concert! We are so nervous, we still can't believe after all this time we are going to meet the three most amazing men in the world not to mention that 2 of them own our heart. It's silly I know to think that Shannon and Jared could ever look at us the way we do them but we can dream. I'm wearing skin tight black jeans, a converted strapless Mars shirt and high heel ankle boots and Julie is wearing black skinny jeans a low cut crimson sleeveless top that acentuates the twins and her favorite calf height sexy boots.

It's 2:45 p.m. and we've just arrived at the Hollywood Bowl and check in with AIW concierge. Reni checks us in and another concierge straps on our bracelets and gives us our totes with goodies. We go to the patio and wait for the guys to arrive. J:"OMG! Can you beleive we are actually meeting Mars" Me:"NO!!!! God I hope I dont make a fool of myself" J:"How do I look" Me:"Beautiful mama,Shannon's gonna be speechless when he sees you" J:"You think?" Me:"I know" We hear screams from the other side of the wall, they're here! Tomo enters first and the crowd goes into a frenzy next are Jared and Shannon they're talking to each other. The crowd goes wild clapping screamin oohing and awing! Julie and I are in awe, it's them it's really them in the flesh Not a computer or a phone screen but them. My heart almost stops and my eyes fill with tears like a woman who feared her lover was lost to her a long time ago. Julie's eyes tear up at the sight of Shannon he takes off his aviators and her heart skips a few beats. His eyes are so breathe taking the cameras do not do him justice. He catches Julie staring at him and smiles sweetly. Jared hands over the mic to Shannon and finishes off his cereal, my poor baby. He catches me staring at him and nods and smiles, we still can't believe we're here. We raise our hands for the Q & A but of course we don't get picked on but were just happy to be there. Next is the autograph session we get in line and wait our turn Julie's heart is pounding so hard it's threatening to beat out of her chest. I look at Jared and my breath catches he's so beautiful. We get to the table the first to sign is Shannon, his eyes are even more beautiful up close. S:"Hey Ladies having fun? J:"Yes we are" S:"Happy to hear that, enjoy the show Julie" her heart almost stops when she hears her name on his lips. I only now notice Jared's been glancing my way, I'm sure it's just him being friendly or him observing his brother's interaction with Julie. S:"Nice top" I smile big Me:"Thanks" S"Enjoy the show Nina" Tomo signs next, T:"Cool shirt!" I smile at him Me"Thanks Tomo" Jared:"So where you ladies from?" Julie:"I'm from Washington originally but I live here now, Nina is a Cali girl born and raised Jared:"Sweet! I like that" he signs our posters next Jared:"Enjoy the show ladies" I go to take my poster off the table but he's pressing it down so I can't lift it, J:"You do realize you're holding up the line right?" Smart ass Me:"Really, am I?" Shannon just smiles and winks at Julie then taps Tomo's arm and points in our direction, T:"Nice to see you again ladies, long time no see" Me:"I know right?" I look back at Jared who's still refusing to let go of my poster Me:"Jared" J:"Nina" I can't help but giggle S:"Jared, be nice" J:"I am being nice." Shannon tilts his head and arches his eyebrow a as if to say Jared give the pretty lady back her poster Jared studies me a bit J:"It's gonna cost you" dear Lord what is he up to, he turns his face slightly and taps his cheek oh is that all I lean forward and kiss his cheek J:"Thank you for obliging me" Me:"My pleasure" the rest of the girls are sighing out a collective oooooooh while others clap and cheer. He let's go of my poster and we go get back in line Julie:"Oh my God did that just happen????" I'm shaking like a leaf in shock Me:"Oh my God, God! I think it did! OMG did you see the way Shannon was looking at you, he winked at you" ah shit the guys just caught us doing our happy dance they smile big in triumph. Reni informs us that we need to leave our stuff somewhere so we're not holding anything during the picture I go to put my poster away when I notice a tiny little creep next to Jared's signature, how did he?

It's our turn to get our picture taken and Julie goes first S:"Well don't you look like a walking felony" she blushes as butterflies swarm in her stomach J:"Thanks" S:"You're welcome pretty lady" he opens his arms to her and she walks into his embrace he holds her tight and makes a sweet face like he's holding his favorite teddy bear while Jared and Tomo poke fun at him. I can't help but giggle, Jared sees me and I could swear he just blushed, maybe it's just me. Reni asks Julie if she's ready and she nods, the photographer gives the usual instructions P:"Okay everyone look at me" to Julie "Smile pretty sweetheart, ready, 1,2, .... Perfect" Julie gets one last hug from Shannon as he releases her he whispers something in her ear. She hugs Tomo then Jared and waits for me to take my pic.

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