The Birthday Party

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For my beautiful @DeannxWinchester I missed you kid

So I met Jared at the Hollywood Bowl in September. I took a gift for him which included 2 letters, truth be told I wasn't sure if he'd read them let alone acknowledge them. Just when I thought I should give up he DM me, we met up a few days later and we've been inseparable ever since. Fast forward to January, Jared decided to throw me a small birthday party. He even let me invite my girls, who better to share this with than my two best friends Tiffany and Gina. They came in a few days early and we got caught up real quick, they were so excited for the party we even went shopping. The day of the party, Jared sent a car to pick us up, he spoils me sometimes and I love him for it but for me it's not about the money or the notoriety for me it's about his heart his soul.

When we get to the house he's already waiting at the door. J:"There's my birthday girl!"Me:"Hey love!" J:"Happy Birthday Baby" Me:"Thank my love" and he takes my lips  G:"Eh hem still here" Me:"Sorry where are my manners? Jared these are my best friends Gina and Tiffany" Jared:"Nice to meet you ladies" the both smile pretty and say their thank yous.  We make our way to the lounge where we run into Tomo, Vicki, and Shannon, he was playing L490. The girls were in awe of him but specially Tiffany this was her first time meeting him so she was naturally nervous God he's even more beautiful in person, Nina was right the camera just doesn't do him justice. He looks up from  the guitar and breaks into a chorus of Happy Birthday! He's too sweet he gets up and comes over S:"Happy Birthday sweetheart" Me:"Thanks love" S:"So how old are you again like 50?" Me:"Really Shannon? Really? Your baby brother was 24 days old when I was born so I guess he's 50 too?" Jared arches his eyebrow and pretends to be upset S:"Sorry o'l man" J:"You're older than me remember so how old does that make you? About 75?" We all laugh Me:"Hey grandpa I want you to meet someone" to me S:"Ha ha funny...." he turns to face the girls S"....and who might these two beautiful ladies be?" Me:"This is Gina and this is Tiffany" he gives them both a kiss on the cheek. Tiffany:"It's nice meeting you Shannon" he takes her hand to his lips S:"The pleasure is all mine"

"The Party" is actually a small get together but I love it just the same. Shannon and the girls hit it off, Jared decides to give us the tour of his newly remodeled studio, fights a little with the door knob but finally gets the door opened J:"Sorry about that the knob sticks a little I've been meaning to get it fixed" we step inside, the space looks amazing the girls spot Shannon's drum kit and immediately gravitate toward it. S:"I see you found my babies!" Jared pulls me into his arms and whispers in my ear "Come on I have an idea" Me:"Baby where are we going?" He takes my hand and we leave the studio he carefully closes the door and locks them in Me"Jared what are you..." He puts his finger on my lips and with a mischievous grin he whispers "Shhh they'll live" I can't help but. giggle. Shannon turns to ask Jared something but were gone S:"What the hell!" The girls turn to face him G:"Wait where's Nina? Tiffany:"And Jared!" S:"You're kidding me!" T:"What's wrong Shannon?" S:"We're locked in" G:"What? Really?" The girls look at each other oh this is too good to be true. T:"So what now Shannon?" He goes and turn on the sound system S"Ladies Want to dance?"

He didn't intend on having anything but good clean fun but it got real interesting real fast they took turns dancing for him, grinding on him,  they even got to taste those sweet succulent lips. If it were up to them they'd take turns fucking his brains out, but they just met the guy and they wanted to leave a good impression on him, so instead they teased the living shit out of him. They both gave him a sexy lap dance while he sat in front of his drum set. Fuck he was hard as hell and about to rip out of his pants. They hear the door and quickly regain they're composure. J:"Hey guys you hungry food's ready!" S:"Food, yeah right, sounds goods" he looked flushed and tiny beads of sweat were holding on to his forehead. Me:"You ok there Shan you seem a little.... Flushed!" S:"Huh? Oh yeah fine I was uh..... educating the girls in the fine art of playing the drums" Jared:"Mmmhmm!" The girls look like the cats that swallowed the canary! We went back to the lounge for food, I went ahead with the girls while Shannon and Jared walked behind us. Jared looks at Shannon who's still flushed and still hard J:"You wanna hide that thing?" S:"It's your fault!!!" Jared smiles "I don't know what you're talking about!" S:"Yeah right!" It wasn't the first time they pranked each other and it would certainly not be their last!

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