Birthday Twins

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Washington State University was hustling and bustling with activity, the school year officially starts Monday and the Freshman class is busy moving into their dorms. Although Mary liked the idea of living on campus cost of tuition and housing was more than she could afford, after some researching she found something that caught her attention, an all girls boarding house. The small bachelor cottages included a small kitchen, bathroom and loft with two dormers that doubled as a bedroom and were going for half the price of the dorm rooms. Like the dorm she'd have a roommate, a curfew and no boys would be allowed. After seeing a few pictures on line and speaking with the owners she was hooked.

That Friday she was busy unpacking and settling in, she wondered about her room mate what she was like was she a local and more importantly was she neat and organized like her or a total mess rat, she shivered at the thought, please let her be neat like me. She was jarred from her thoughts by a knock on the door that must be her, well here goes nothing she opens the door and to her surprise the girl in front of her looks pretty much like her. M:"Hi! You must be Gina ?" G:"Yes I am and you must be Mary it's nice to meet you" M:"Come on in" Mary shows Gina to her dormer and gives her time to unpack afterwards the girls go shopping for groceries and other necessities for the cottage. They decide on a movie night that evening after dinner, turns out they have a lot in common they have the same taste in music and arts and they're both majoring in journalism. They both love to write and want to try to make a career of it.

It was late January and everyone seemed to be paired up but not them G:"God what are they doing cloning them?" M:"I know right??" G:"That's why I never celebrate Valentine's day" M:"It's so overrated isn't? It's like you're not human if you don't have someone to celebrate with." G;"Exactly!!! Then as if Valentine's Day isn't bad enough my birthday creeps up and puts salt in my wounds" M:"OMG same here! Wait when's you're Birthday?" G:"April 11, when's yours" Mary's eyes light up M:"No.... Way!!!! Mine too!!!" The girls squeal with delight G:"OMG that's so awesome! We're like...." Both"Birthday Twins!!!" As of that day they became inseparable, they celebrated Valentine's Day together and made plans to celebrate their 21st birthday on a stretch of beach in sunny Southern California. They've always dreamt of going to L.A. basking in the California sun watching guys on their surfboards and walking the boardwalk in Venice. So while other student bodies gravitate to Mexico and Miami for spring break the girls head to L.A. They stay in a hotel right across the beach in Santa Monica, they check in unpack and decided to take in the Third Street Promenade. The girls are in awe of the sights and sounds, they walk in and out of shops and stop to admire the local talent, there's one particular one that especially catches their attention.

A couple of guys are playing an acoustic set one is playing an acoustic guitar while the other is playing a set of bongos, his beefy hands tap away at the drums releasing an hypnotic rhythm. He bites his lower lip and looks up slowly, he nonchalantly scans the crowd his eyes find Gina and he smiles. Every once in a while he looks in her direction Mary catches on and nudges her M:"OMG Gina he's gorgeous" and that he was, dark brown hair hazel eyes almost green and strong arms to match those beefy hands. G:"I know right?" After their set was over the crowd disburses, he gets up and walks toward the girls Him:"Evening Ladies, enjoy the show?" M:"Yes, you guys were....." G:"Amazing!" He directs his attention to Gina Him:"And whom might you might be?" G:"I .... I'm Gina and this is Mary" Him:"It's nice to meet you ladies, I'm ....." the guy previously playing the guitar finishes his sentence Him:"Shannon my man lets take a break and come back in 20?" S:"Sounds good Stevie" M:"Shannon huh?" S:"What? Don't laugh!" G:"We're not its just ..... Unusual." he puts his finger under her chin S:"You're really cute" Gina blushes at that he smiles sweetly S:"My Brothers and I are having a bonfire up the coast in Malibu tomorrow night, would you like to come?" The girls look at each other and smile big Gina:"Yeah sure" M:"Where at?"

The following day the girls get all dressed up in flirty semi-casual bohemian style outfits. A touch of lipgloss and a spritz of their favorite perfume and they're off. They have no trouble finding the stretch of beach Shannon told them about, they see him in the distance and he's even more beautiful than they remembered. He's talking to another guy with long ombré hair pulled back and beautiful blue eyes Mary's heart begins to beat a little faster then sinks when he pulls in a pretty brunette for a kiss. Shannon sees them and walks over "Evening ladies care to join us?" Him:"Chris I'm sure these pretty little ladies can do with out you harassing them!" C:"You'll have to excuse Tomo he swears he's a comedian" he gives them a cheeky grin" he turns his attention to Mary "So who might you be pretty lady" the girls look at each other like is he for real M:"Are you feeling ok?" Now Chris is the one who's confused C:"Sure why wouldn't I be?" Shannon puts his hands on Gina's waist from behind and kisses her cheek S:"Sweet you made it!" She nearly jumps out of her skin at the sound of his voice and Mary lets out a loud gasp! S:"Maybe I should've told you I'm a twin" Gina turns to look at Shannon then back at Chris they were like two drops of water, identical twins. G:"You think!" Mary turns to Chris M:"No wonder you acted like you didn't know me" C:"I still haven't gotten your name" M:"I'm sorry I'm still...... Umm ....Mary" C:"Pretty name for a pretty lady" Mary blushes he's just as beautiful as Shannon but then again why wouldn't he be he's his twin. Shannon takes Gina's hand S:" Come on I want to introduce you to my other brother" J:"Wait, you mean there's more of you?" Shannon and Chris can't help but laugh C:"Oh God no! Two of us is more than enough for this world" he holds his hand out to Mary "Shall we miss?" he's such a charmer Mary giggles and takes his hand S:"Kiss ass!" C:"Hey not my fault I'm the romantic one" S:"Oh shut up Chris!" The girls look at each other still in shock but they can't help but giggle.

As they near the group the cutie with the blue eyes speaks first Him:"Hey twiddle dee and twiddle dumb" C:"Hey watch it twerp we're still older than you" Her:"Baby be nice" Him:"I am baby girl" he takes her lips. Shannon turns to the girls S:" Romeo over here is our little brother Jared and this is his girlfriend Nina" Jared:"It's nice meeting you ladies" C:"Jared, Nina, that's Gina and this pretty little lady is Mary" N:"It's nice meeting you both I hope these two didn't scare you much. They're really quite nice when they behave." S:"God you make us sound like we're trouble" N:"You are" she giggles and gives Gina and Mary a little wink. Jared:"So how'd you guys meet?" Gina:"Well we met Shannon last night at the promenade and Chris we met just now......... how do you even tell them apart?" Mary blushes "Gina" N:"It's ok Mary, we get that a lot, but the easy answer Gina, they're not totally identical Shannon is just a little shorter and more muscular while Chris is more slender and his hair is longer. the dead give away is Shannon's always drumming and Chris's always strumming an invisible guitar" C:"Thanks Nina now I sound nuts" N:"You know what I mean numb nut" they all laugh S:"So where do you guys live?" Mary:"Well actually...... we're he on spring break" Gina:"We're celebrating our birthdays" N:"Really? That's awesome! When's your birthday?" M:"Today actually ...." She looks at Gina and smiles. Jared:"Wait, it's both your birthdays?" They nod and smile S:"Are you twins too?" Gina:"No, we're not even sisters we met at the beginning of the school year, we're roommates actually" C:"So what school do you guys go to" the twins were expecting something local and had to admit their hearts sank a little when the heard Gina's response "Washington State University" they see the disappointment in the twins faces M:"I'm sorry..... maybe.... maybe this wasn't such a good idea" C:"Wait if you think this is in any way a deal breaker it's not we promise" S:"So we'll have to drive a little further no biggie"

They were the sweetest souls they had ever met, the girls spent the rest of the week with the twins hiking, swimming, catching a movie cuddling and whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears. There was no denying the incredible connection between them, who'd ever thought that a chance meeting would result in a lasting friendship and them meeting the men of their dreams and twins no less. On their final night together the couples went their separate ways after dinner for some quality time together, admittedly they wanted that sexual connection but the boys didn't want to scare the girls or come on too strong so they gave them something better..... Intimacy. They kissed, caressed, fondled, cuddled and fell asleep in each other's arms. The girls went back home but their hearts remained back in L.A. with two beautiful souls with matching hazel eyes. They kept in touch calling, skyping, texting, the boys even flew into Washington a couple of times. In the fall the girls transferred to Pepperdine University in Malibu, CA. The twins couldn't be more thrilled and are now sharing a modest house up the coast from the university with the girls, life is sweet.


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