I've Been Waiting For You

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In a room full of people and he looks at you like there is no one else in the room but the two of you. You're distracted for a second and he's gone. Your heart begins to race, the air is suddenly to thick making it hard to breath. You excuse yourself and go out to the balcony for some fresh air. You struggle to catch your breath as the cool air dances on your skin. You feel is fingers gently caress your back his breath behind your ear as he whispers "looking for me" his breath sends shivers through your body. You lean into him and he gently turns your face to his. He is even more beautiful up close, his lips are slightly parted and begging to be devoured. Him:"Kiss me" you reach for his lips and comply with his request. Your lips touch and nothing, no one exist but the two of you. Him:" I'm Shannon" You:" I'm Julie" S:"Where have you been all my life?" You:"I've been waiting for you" 💕💕💕💕💕

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