Be Careful What You Wish For

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*Disclaimer* this piece was written for entertainment purposes only. All characters beside Jared, Shannon, Emma and Jamie are fictional. This story was inspired by a non-Mars YouTube video you'll find as the end of the story. As always thank you for all your love a s support. Happy Reading

Have you ever wondered what if ...... What
if you could have one wish granted, just one. What would it be???? A car, a house, money, a chance to see how the other half lives? Would you wish for untold knowledge, the ability to know what a certain person is thinking or feeling? Dani always wondered what it would be like to be part of Jared Leto's inner circle, what it would be like to spend a quiet afternoon at his side or standing outside the recording booth watching him lay another track down for the latest 30 Seconds to Mars album. She also wondered what it would be like to be Vanity Cane, his on again off again rumored girlfriend. What it would be like to feel his body pressed to hers or to wake up in his embrace. She wondered if Vani, as she preferred to be called, knew just how lucky she was. If she knew just how many women like Dani wished to live her life if only to be near Jared. Dani had resigned herself long ago to the harsh reality that she was just and would only ever be an outsider looking in, but yet she wondered and dared to dream.

Dani and her best friend Ava signed up to work as summer camp counselors at Mt. Crags, the former home of their beloved Camp Mars. It was bitterssweet and strange walking the camp grounds not as Echelon but as camp counselors. Together they reminisced about last summer, all the fun they had exploring the camp, the cabins they stayed at, visualizing the stage where Jared and Shannon performed and reliving the band activities..... if only in their imaginings. A few nights into their week they participated in story time around the bonfire. As they made their way to South Camp they felt that giddy anticipation they felt that night long ago as they made their way to Drum Circle "I'll never forget Shannon up close and personal singing Remedy amongst the drums. I so missed Drum Circle last year it wasn't the same without it" Ava sighed, Dani knew how much Ava was looking forward to seeing Shannon and gently reminded her "I know hun, I so wish Shannon wouldn't have gotten sick. I know how much you were looking forward to it" she shakes off the tears threatening to leave her eyes "I know babe, and I understand he's only human, just wish other people did" by other people Ava meant the select few who left camp or stayed on and bitched because Shannon wasn't around for activities or photos. Like excuse the ever living hell out of AIW or what was left of it for not servicing the animatronic otherwise known as Shannon Leto. Dani and Ava went on a full rant on theirs socials after camp, the majority agreed with them while a select few ranted that they understood but they should get what they paid for and Shannon should basically suck it up..... as if.

Speaking of socials, there have been a few new accounts popping up on social media. All of which Dani and Ava determined to be fake. There are others though they find quite entertaining, one in particular seems to be so far up Jared and Vanity's ass she can see daylight, the other was focused on Shannon's latest fling and how she had more class and grace than Vanity. She also focused on pointing out were Shannon and Cayla were spotted (local shops and eateries and such) and what they were up to. The last one though Dani found intriguing, this guy @ ispymealeto spoke of how the media was doing the same thing as the fandom and creating a narrative based on the pics they see. What she found most interesting of this account is how he could create two plausible accounts of the same set of pictures. I mean yes he could be over reaching and denying the obvious elephant in the room but what if there is no elephant what if it was fabricated to created a narrative they want us to see and believe. When he was done explaining his account, you just couldn't help but believe that his narrative might just be right.

Reception was shotty at camp but you still managed to get a notification here and there. As they walk to South Camp Dani gets a notification of @ ispymealeto's latest post. The picture on the post was a repost of a picture taken here at camp. More specific of the golf cart on the field where the stage was set up, it showed Emma at the wheel and a mystery woman next to her. Over top of the photo was a single word followed by a handful of question marks .......

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2020 ⏰

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