Private Dancer

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It's Saturday night and my girls and I are about to hit the club. I put on my little black dress and my black stilettos, a splash of my favorite perfume and it's off to the club. The music is bumping drinks are pouring and we're just itching to dance. It's never too long before some poor looser tries to join in the fun and strikes out! Right on queue, some poor sap who's already had a little too much to drink tries to cozy up to Lys, don't get me wrong he was easy on the eyes, real easy BUT if he's buzzing it now he'll be drunk by the end of the night. And that means 1 of 2 things 1. He'll throw up or 2 he'll pass out!!! Either way "No Thanks!" We start to enjoy the music again when a deep sexy voice whispers in my ear Him:"Mind if I join in?" His voice send sweet shivers up and down my spine. I looked at my girls for any sign approval, they both looked like they were about ready to pounce. I look at him over my shoulder and I can see why, drop dead gorgeous, short brown hair sexy hazel eyes and a pair of lips that begged to be devoured. I put my hand on his neck and he puts his hand on my hip and pulls me closer to him. Our bodies moving in sync to each other and the music. He turns me around and pulls me close to him again Him:"I'm Shannon by the way" I smile at him Me:"I'm Nina " he leans close and again in that sexy whisper S:"So where's your boyfriend?" Me:"Mars last time I checked" he gives me a mischievous smile S:"Ouch!!!" Me:"Will your girlfriend be joining us any time soon?" S:"Don't think so I hear the buses run slow on the dark side of the moon this time of year" we both laugh, he places his hand on my neck and pulls me close, his chest is chiseled and he smells like heaven.

Lys:"Thought you could use a drink" Ale:"You gonna introduce us to your boyfriend our are you gonna keep him all to yourself?" I take the drink from Lys:"Thanks love! I'm sorry, Shannon these are my girls Lys and Ale" S:"Nice to meet you ladies" Lys:"Nice to meet you" Ale:"Mucho gusto!" S:"Latina! I like that! Lys:"Show off" Me:"Que, estas celosa" Lys:"Not you too?" Me:"Aaw we're sorry baby girl" S:"You didn't tell me you were Latina" Me:"You didn't ask" he smiles leans in close and in that sexy voice again "That's so fuggen hot!!!" He stays close the rest of the night. A week later he takes me to a beautiful beach house. The deck is lit up by dozens of candles and a bottle of wine is chilling S:"You like it?" Me:"It's amazing, whose place is this? S:"Mine" Me:"Seriously?" S:"Yes, let me show you around" he give me a quick tour and we end up in the kitchen where he cooks up and amazing meal.

After dinner on the deck we enjoy our wine in front of the fireplace. He gets up and puts on some music and asks me to dance, God the way he moves those hips is a gift. He pulls me close and his body presses up against mine God he is so intoxicating I bring my leg up against his locking my ankle behind his thigh, his arms around my waist. Me:"You got me?"

He nods I lean back and move in a semicircle and come back up we are face to face and he's looking at me with lust in his eyes. I lean back again and move in the opposite direction, this time when I come back up he conquers my lips. He tastes like sin, I moan into his lips S:"Dance for me" I turn so my back is to him and move my hips I grind against him and he moans I turn to face him,I sway my hips and I lower myself till I'm face to face with........ Ah hell he's massive and about burst out of his pants. He pulls me up and turns me a full circle and conquers my lips again. He takes a seat on the couch and I continue to dance for him. I give him a lap dance and he places his hands on my hips he lowers me down and rocks his hips against mine. I lean back and kiss his lips we both moan in pleasure. I get up up turn around and straddle him he takes of my top and I take off his shirt he's hungry for me he takes my lips then trails kisses to my neck and takes of my bra. He takes my nipple in his mouth and I moan in pleasure. Me:"Mmmm ....... Shannon" be moves us to the bedroom and lowers us gently onto his bed. He trails kisses down my neck to my breasts and lower still he takes off my pants and panties he devours my sweet spot and my hips tilt to his lips. My body shakes violently as I grip the bed sheets with one hand and his head with other I moan his name over and over as he soaks up every last drop. He gets up and takes off his pants and his underwear fuck he's massive, I moan In anticipation and gasp at the feel of him. He rocks my hips over and over again he sits us up and I ride him out Me:"Mmmm Shannon........." S:"Mmmm ......... Baby....... Almost there" he devours my breast as he hits my g spot over and over again! We moan in absolute pleasure and come together.

Two weeks later my girls and I are celebrating a mutual friend's bachelorette party at a new club out in Hollywood. The first couple of hours is for the show and the rest of the evening is for dancing. The first hour is the usual, guys dancing and getting half naked. At the second hour the spot light dances all over the stage the mc makes an announcement "Its Friday night ladies and it's about to get hot up in here! Let's give it up for our resident naughty boy, hazel eyes himself, Christopher!!!!!" The spot light stops it's dancing and holds still at center stage it goes off and back on to reveal Christopher the music begins and he starts to dance, damn he can move all the women are in sheer awe of him, he looses his shirt and makes his way down stage the women are going crazy waving their money at him. I look up at Christopher in shock Me:"What.....the.....fuck!!!!!!!" my jaw drops it cant be!!!! Ale:" ...God!!!!" Lys:"Holy.....Shit!!!!!" Ale:"Isn't that your boyfriend????" I gasp Me:"Shannon!" My head is reeling, he hasn't noticed me. He lowers himself and thrust his hips for the squealing lady with the $20.00 bill in her hand. He takes the $20.00 and makes his way to the end of the stage and moves his hips he looks up and almost stops dead in his tracks. The song ends and the spot light begins to dance again. The Mc gets back on the mic. "It's Friday night ladies and you know what that means......" The crowd goes wild.

"The Jewel of the Nile is in the house" the spotlight stops dancing and holds still 1/3 of the way down the pole. She slowly slinks and spins down the pole, a beautiful brunette, with Hazel eyes, milky white skin and curves to die for.

She's wearing black leather boy shorts and a black black bra, her long brown hair slicked back into a pony tail. She was Incredibly limber,

Shannon waits for her below, his back is to the pole his left arm holds on to the pole above him the other hovers over his crotch. She slowly and seamlessly transfers from the pole to Shannon's body they move away from the pole she dances with him, for him. She grinds her ass against him and puts one hand around his neck, she presses herself against him and he moves his hips with hers. She spins and faces him one hand around his neck the other on his chest she makes her way down swinging her hips and slides her hands down his chest stopping short of his crotch she puts her hands on either side and licks her lips. He grabs her hands and pulls her up, spins her around bends her over and humps her from behind. I've had enough I start to leave Lys"You're really just gonna let him go?" Huh??? Ale:"Normally I would be right behind you but look at him?" Me:"What????" Ale:"Do you want him?" Me:"Huh?" Oh God these two have officially lost their minds! Lys:"It's a simply question Nina, do you want him yes or no"? Of course I did but ........why didn't he...... Jewels goes back to the pole for a solo. He comes to the end of the stage and bends down and holds his hand out to me. S:"Dance with me" Me:"Have you lost your mind????" He didn't answer only repeated his request "Dance with me" Lys and Ale urge me on, this is insane S:"Please" I look back at Lys and Ale they both tell me to go. I reluctantly take his hand and go on stage with him. He looks deep into my eyes "Remember that first night at my beach house, just do the same thing" I take a deep breathe close my eyes and begin to dance his hand is on my hip and he moves his hips with mine. I raise my leg and bend backwards letting go of Shannon coming back up and doing it again in the opposite direction I come back up about to take his lips when I hear Jewels' voice in my ear "Grind him like you wanna fuck him" I give Shannon a wicked little look I drop my leg and move my body for Shannon, I grind on him. I look at Jewels over his shoulder and motion for her to come over. I spin and straddle one leg and she straddles the other. We dance for Shannon he tilts his head and moans like he's being serviced. The crowd is going wild we take turns grinding and touching him the sound of the crowd is deafening. Shannon pulls me up on to his hips and I do a final back bend as Jewels come out from I between his legs and arches her body upwards our faces inches from each other. The music stops and the crowd cheers, whistles and screams for more. Shannon pulls me up and helps me off his hips Jewels gets up as well we both spin into Shannon's arms. J:"Do you hear that? The crowd loved it!!!!!" To me S:"No, they loved you" and he kisses my lips J:"He's right? I think we've got something, we should do it again." To me S:"What do you think?" I look at both of them, the natural high is amazing, I love the reckless abandon I feel when I give in to the music. One last look at Jewels and Shannon, Me:"Oooh yeaaah we should definitely do this again!!!"


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