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This is what an unkept Shannon Leto inspired. Enjoy...........

He is sitting by the fireplace looking off into the distance. His body is here but his mind is miles away. He hasn't shaven in weeks, I miss his beautiful face but the beard also makes him look distinguished. I put my arms around his neck and kiss his cheek Me:"Hey Baby you ok?" He kisses my hands and holds then gently to his cheek. Shannon"I'm ok baby, I just have a lot on my mind" Me:"Maybe I should help you ease your troubled mind" I go around and straddle him and he puts his hands on my hips. I take off his glasses and trace the arch of his brow, the outline of his beard the fullness of his lips. Me:"I love you Shannon" S:"I Love you too" I devour his lips, he pulls me close and trails kisses from my jawline to my neck, I love the feel of his lips on my skin, the beard......not so much. Me:"You know this would feel a whole lot better without the beard" he smiles at me S:"Kill Joy!" Me:"I just miss you're beautiful face." I unbutton my flannel Me:"Love me Shannon" S:"Mmmm......" he caresses my breasts and lays kisses on my neck. I moan in pleasure as he makes his way down and takes my nipple in his mouth. Ah hell he felt so good. I close my eyes, tilt my head back and enjoy his touch. He pushes his flannel off my shoulder shoulders and I let it drop to the floor. I take of his shirt and lay kisses on his neck and his chest as I undo his pants. Me:"Mmmm someone's happy" he lifts up and pushes down his pants and underwear and I pulled them off. He was massive and hard as a rock, I give him a mischievous look and kiss his lips I trail kisses down to his chest and lower still. I take him in an he growls in pleasure S:"Auh baby....... Mmmm......" He's ready to blow, he growls S:"Mmmmm not yet baby" I get up and straddle him and devours his lips he pushes my panties to the side and teases me with his fingers. Ah fuck!!!!! I tilt my hips to his hand and moan in pleasure S:"You want me baby" M:"Mmmm.........Shannon........ Ah fuck......... I want you baby" he stops teasing me and sucks on his fingers S:"Sweet.........come here" he kisses me and moves us to the bed. He lowers us gently as he devours my lips. He trails kisses from my neck to my breast and my body arches to his touch. He goes lower still and devours my sweet spot. I gasp in pleasure, my hips arch to his mouth and I grip the sheets. I loose my mind and ride out my orgasm as he savors every last drop. He comes up and devours my lips and crashes into me over and over again my body arches to his. He sending me over the edge ah fuck Me:"Shannon........augh baby........mmmmm" S:"Come for me, come with me......mmmm......oh yeah baby there you go" I dig my nails in his back and moan his name over and over as we come together. Satisfied and content we fall asleep in each others arms. The following morning I wake up to his sweet kisses only skin. My eyes flutter open I see his beautiful face and those sexy hazel eyes looking back at me. A huge smile covers my face, I touch his smooth skin Me:"You shaved!!!!!" S."Thank you" Me:"For what baby?" S:"For last night, for your heart, your soul" Me:"I Love you Shannon" S:"I love you more" he pulls me into his arms and we make love again.


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