Should I Stay

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For @fiction4thefans hope you like it sweetie, enjoy ♡♡♡♡♡

She sits alone at the Essentials for Living Blackfuel flagship store on Melrose, her Baby. She and Shannon brought this store to life together piece by piece brick by brick. From conception to fruition she had been there with Shannon, loving and supporting him, building a future and sharing in his joy. They have been thick as thieves for three years now, when they met it was love at first sight, but lately things had become strained between them and she hated it she. Between the long separations during his tour and the long nights at the store when he was home, she felt alone. It been such a long time since they'd spent quality time together and she missed it she missed him, Shannon had gone back on tour 3 weeks ago and she felt lonelier than ever.

She sits at her usual table with her Woodley Ave special blend and her laptop working on the usual business paperwork; scheduling appointments, special events, finances and the like, she's lost in her work when she hears a familiar voice from the past Him:"Hey beautiful still working hard I see" Her:"Andy? Oh my God what are you doing here how'd you find me?" A:"I'm in town for my sister's wedding and truth be told you're not that hard find" she blushed at that after all he was right she wasn't that hard to find she is after all Shannon Leto's girlfriend. "I'm sorry it's just...." A:"Don't be, it happens I guess...... You look even more beautiful than I remember" Her:"Thanks Andy you look good too" A:"Thanks...... um...." he gestures towards the chair across from her with a look on his face as if to say may I? Her:"Oh I'm sorry when are my manners, please sit" They spent the afternoon catching up, Ariel even ordered lunch from a local vegan restaurant, surprised him really they used to scarf down Tommy's burgers like they were going out of style Ar:"Don't get me wrong I still sneak a burger here and there when Shannon isn't looking" An:"Wait don't tell me he controls what you eat!" his eyebrows furrow together and his forehead cringes Ar:"Oh no of course not, he's mostly vegan and we try to adhere to a vegan a diet specially when Jared is around but we all cheat every now and again." his features relax a bit "So what are you doing after this?" Ar:"Don't know go for a run maybe and then maybe a walk on the beach before dinner" An:"I was thinking maybe we could go to Runyon Canyon then out to the Santa Monica pier and down the promenade like the good ol days, what do you think?"

She's reluctant at first but after some coaxing she gives in and they take in the pier and the promenade. On another day they take in Runyon Canyon the next an amusement park just like they used to so long ago, she loved the attention Andy was giving her and in spite of herself she would allow herself the luxury of getting lost in the moment. Unbeknownst to them it wasn't long before the paparazzi caught wind and their pictures hit the tabloids. She calls Andy in a state of panic "What am I gonna do Andy......if Shannon sees this ... I'll loose him" Andy can't help but contemplate the possibility "And what if he does, would it be a bad thing if he ended it? You said so yourself Ariel, you're not happy, I can make you happy, I still love you Ariel. God help me but I do" Ariel tears up "Andy.... Please don't say that, You're a sweet soul and what we had was beautiful but ..... I'm in love with Shannon he's my life" An:"But he doesn't make you happy!!!" Ar:"YES HE DOES!'s just he's been so busy .....we just haven't had time for each other" An:"Haven't had the time or he hasn't made the time!" Ar:"Andy please stop... I can't do this right now I'm sorry" An:"No, I'm sorry I should know better than to push that's how I lost you" Ar:"I'm scared, I don't want to loose him, not now.... not now" she places her hand protectively over belly. She'd just found out a few days ago, it was too soon.... not how they planned. An:"Ariel.... you still there?" Ar:"Yeah I'm here" An:"Look it's not like they caught us in a steamy make out session maybe he'll think it's just two friends hanging out" his voice cracks at the last part. His heart still aches for her but hers belonged to someone else.

These last few days with Andy were amazing, she felt loved and wanted it felt so good to be the center of his attention instead of competing for it. She thought she'd have time to figure out how to break the news to Shannon, she wondered how he would take it, would he want to be a family, would he have the time. She starts to feel lighted and drops into a chair Her:"Ariel are you ok?" Ar:"Yes Kylie I'm fine, just tired I guess" K:"Can I get you some water" Ar:"Yes.... please" she's trying to collect her thoughts when her phone rings..... It's Shannon. Ariel takes a deep breathe then answers "Hey baby how's the tour?" S:"It's good, the show was crazy some girl got up on stage and started grinding on Tomo, Holy fuck I almost dropped my drumsticks I swear......" A:"Really? Oh my God what did he do" S:"He was a gentlemen of course didn't even miss a key, wish you could've been here to see it, I miss you babe" Ar:"I miss you more" Does she? He looks down at the tabloid in his hands and takes a deep breath before continuing "I love you Air, I know I haven't been there much and I'm sorry but I do love you, so much" please tell me you're still mine, please tell me I still have your heart Ar:"Shan I love you so much, I miss you, I miss us" she tears up, she looks down at the tabloid in her hands and wonders if he knows. He wonders if he should say anything I mean it looks innocent enough what if I'm stressing over nothing. S:"I was thinking ...... Kylie can manage the place on her own for a couple of weeks and you could use the time off..... " Ar:"Shannon, What are you saying" S:"Join me Air, come out on the road with me for the last two weeks of the tour" Ar:"Are you sure?" S:"Say you'll come, I need you with me baby" Kylie places the glass of water in front of her and Ariel looks up at her teary eyed K:"Ariel is something wrong?" Ar:"No, not at all. But I am gonna need you to do me a huge favor"

3 days later she sits by the window doing her make up she stops for a few minutes to admire the beautiful view from their hotel room. He wraps his strong arms around her and kisses her neck S:"What are you thinking?" Ar:"It's Beautiful here, it's nothing like home but still beautiful" S:"I'm so happy you came with me" Ar:"There's nowhere else I'd rather be" she turns to face him and takes his lips S:"Thank you baby" she smiles sweetly at him Ar:"For what baby?" S:"For loving me and making me happy" he drops his hand to her belly Ar:"No, thank you for making me the happiest woman in the world" S:"I love you my sweet Ariel " Ar:"I love you more, so much more" He takes a deep breath breathe and holds her close till his phone goes off S:"Must be Jared I better finish getting ready" he heads to the bathroom to shower and change, from the bathroom he asks  her for a clean shirt from the top drawer of the dresser. She picks up the shirt and sees a magazine peeking out from underneath the others she pulls it and recognizes it as the same one that Kylie handed her nearly a week ago. S:"Babe did you find my shirt?" Ariel hands him the shirt and looks at him quizzically A:"You saw this ........ and you didn't say anything......, why?" S:"It's just innocent fun between friends, I trust you Air, besides I didn't want to come across as a jealous boyfriend" Ariel tears up and throws her arms around Shannon "I love you so much" S:"I love you more, I know I haven't been there much and I'm sorry but I'm gonna make it up to you I promise" A:"We're together now and that's all that matters"

Ten months later they sit on the beach having a picnic enjoying a cool breeze and watching the waves crash and roll on to the shore with their newborn son


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