End of All Days (Father Leto)

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I've been avoiding confession for weeks, Father Leto has taken notice and I know it's only a matter of time before he inquires as to the reason why. I no longer have the strength or willpower to face him as he is the reason for my impure thoughts. His eyes pierce through to my soul and when he speaks oh God when he speak his voice sends sweet shivers through my entire body. Today's service included Gospel, he led the choir in a rendition of "End of all Days" his voice was sensual and hypnotic my lady parts stirred at the mere sound of it! As usual I tried to leave service as soon as it's over, but I hear his voice and stop dead in my tracks Him:"Sister Nina, might I have a word with you" Dear Lord his voice, "Of course Father Leto" we walk back into the church and I sit in one of the back pews and wait for the last of the parishioners to file out of the church Man:"Thank you for the beautiful service Father Leto" FL:"Your welcome brother Tomo, Shall I expect you and sister Vicki at next weeks service?" T:"Why yes Father Leto" FL:" Then I shall see you then" he goes to close the doors to the church and I begin to flush. Dear Lord please cleanse me of my unclean thoughts.... FL:"Thank you for waiting sister Nina" Me:"Can I ask why you have called me back" dear Lord I can't even look him in the eyes FL:"You've been skipping confession my child I was wondering what might be keeping you from me.... I mean confession" Me:"Father Leto...I....I'm sorry I...." FL:"Do I make you nervous?" Me:"No, God no!!! Perish the thought" I look around nervously any where but into those beautiful blue eyes of his. FL:"Perhaps it is time for your next confession" I bow my head down in shame Me:"Forgive me father for I have sinned! My thoughts have been impure" I can't will myself to go on any further.

Father Leto places a hand on my head and my body shutters at his touch! FL:"Go on my child" Me:"I shouldn't want what I do, feel the way I do....Oh God!!!" I gasp and shutter and turn my back on Father Leto he runs his fingers through my hair and his knuckles brush against my skin a moan escapes my body. FL:"Its ok my child, pray 10 Hail Mary's 10 Our fathers and you shall be absolved of your impure thoughts"
Me:"Thank you Father Leto" I go to leave and he outstretches his left arm and stops me from moving any further. FL:"Could you stay a little longer I could use your help in the rectory, I promise it won't take long" Oh God help me!!! Me:"Uh....I......Umm" FL:"Please" all I could manage was a nod. He smiles at me and I follow him to the altar I look at Jesus Christ on the cross and beg for his forgiveness. I wait for him retrieve the wine from the alter, I look at him confused FL:"I need to take the wine to the rectory for nightly storage" I relax a little and follow him to the rectory,

He takes off his sash kisses it and prays in silence he follows with his robe, folds it and kiss it as well and finishes his prayer. He turns to me and I shutter at the sight of him his crisp white shirt is opened halfway to his naval showing his chiseled chest and a strand of rosary beads around his neck. He comes to me and takes the rosary beads in one hand and holds my face with the other, he closes his eyes and begins to pray again FL:"Forgive me father for I am about to sin ......" I look at him in shock and confusion "Dear father I have tried to resist temptation but I can do it no longer. I thank you for allowing me to do your will and for the many blessings you have bestowed upon me. I ask your forgive for my transgression. Amen" Me:"Father Leto what are you......" FL:"It's Jared now" I gasp in shock he pulls me close and his lips conquer mine, oh sweet baby Jesus his lips are addicting I press my body close to his wanting more. He presses against me, his manhood is threatening to rip the seems of his pants, he unzips my dress and it falls to the floor. He kisses my bare shoulder and makes his way to my lips J:"Don't be afraid" his voice sends a shutter through my body. I look into those intoxicating pools of blue Me:"But we shouldn't .......it's wrong" J:"I absolve you of your sins now let me love you"

he removes my bra as he conquers my lips again. He lays us down on the make shift bed. Me:"Forgive me Father for I am sinning" He takes the rosary beads from around his neck, wraps it around his hand and takes the crucifix to my lips J:"I absolve you of your sins" he drags the crucifix from my lips, my chin, my neck and down my chest and belly he drops the beads and removes his shirt, the sight of his beautiful chest makes me come undone, my breathing becomes labored he stands up and takes off his pants dear Lord is that even real? He takes the wine bottle and pours some into a goblet he takes a sip and holds the goblet over my lips and slowly tilts it letting the wine slowly drop on to my lips. I close my eyes and savor the sweet nectar on my lips and Jared moans in satisfaction. He slowly drizzles the wine on my chest then savors it's sweetness off my skin my body arches to his lips and I moan in pleasure as his lips burned through to my very soul. He makes his way down slowly savoring the wine on my skin.

He removes my panties and gently caresses my sweet spot, I moan and my hips tilt to his touch. He drizzles more of the wine there and savors the sweet nectar off my sweet spot I gasp and moan at the feel of his mouth. Oh God I can't breathe I shake and shutter as his name escapes my mouth repeatedly "Jared.....Jared..... Jared" J:"Mmmm...you're so sweet" he gets up and takes off his underwear, I moan at the sight of him that can't be real, he slowly comes over me devours my lips and crashes into me, I gasp at the feel of him he rocks my hips and I tighten around him and arch my hips and match my rhythm to his he speed up sending us both into and absolute state of sexual nirvana he growls into my neck. Oh God!!!!! Our moans fill the air, the rectory, and the Church beyond it, months of suppressed desire erupting in this single moment of unbridled passion. He slows his pace and take my breast in his mouth making my body arch to his lips and his manhood the sweat of his body mixing with mine his lips make their way up to mine and he slams back into me making my body shutter and shake I gasp and moan as he speeds up, his moans turn into a deep sexy lustful growls his rhythm speeds up unbelievably faster J:"Nina...... dear sweet Jesus...... How did I .....ever resist .....ah shit mmmm...." Me:"Jared......mmmm......ah fuck ......Jared" we were lost in our own sexual paradise, our thirst unquenchable, our hunger unsatisfied. He grinds faster, harder just when I think I can take no more he pulses and throbs as he releases into me and I come with him.

Exhausted, satisfied, drenched in each other's sweat we hold on to each other trying yo catch our breath. He savors my lips J:"You've made a sinner out of me" Me:"And you of me, I'm not sorry are you?" J:"If I get to have you every day for the rest of my life it will be worth burning in hell" he devours my lips and rocks my hips again!!!!!

The following morning Father Shannon goes to meet with Father Leto for morning prayer but he is gone. He finds his robe and sash with a note that read "Forgive me Father Shannon for I have sinned. I have enjoyed the forbidden fruit in our Heavenly Father's garden. I thank you for your hospitality and your friendship I ask to be absolved of my sins, respectfully yours Jared" on a beach somewhere in paradise Nina and Jared soak up the sun. N:"What do you think Father Shannon will say when he finds your note?" J:"He'll understand, it's been a long time coming" she looks at him perplexed N:"What do you mean?" J:"That's how long I've wanted you"

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