Chapter 8

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Rosie’s P.O.V

It’s midnight by the time I get home. Wow, that was the most fun I had in a while. First Harry and I went to the café, then, we went to the park, and lastly, we went to the carnival. He even paid for everything! He said that his family was filthy rich, so it didn’t matter. At the carnival, Harry had this crazy idea to eat a bunch of carnival food, and then go on all the crazy, scary, rides. We then puked everywhere, but other than that, it was fun. I was up for it – I love scary rides.

Harry was awesome, I can’t I’ve finally made a new friend! He’s so much better than my old friends Jessica and Mackenzie. Ugh I remember the day they left me, all alone.

Rosie’s P.O.V


When woke up in the hospital, I was terrified of what had happened the night before.

I had just seen my parents die.

I felt like I was dead, I actually wanted to die. I didn’t want to live in this world where I had no family. I guess Jessica and Mackenzie didn’t know about what had just happened, even though I hadn’t texted them for two days. Wouldn’t they have figured out by now that something was wrong?! I just wanted to be consoled and comforted by them, after all, they were my best friends.

After all the drama that happened, like my parents dying and me becoming mute, I went to school. When I see Jessica and Mackenzie, they stare at me for a while, and then finally walk towards me.

“How could you just ignore us for two weeks?!” Mackenzie yells. I wanted to just tell them everything that had happened, but I couldn’t. I was mute. I had mixed emotions. I was happy to see them, mad that they didn’t care about my feelings and only theirs, and annoyed that they would yell at me like that.

“You know what?! I guess you’re just too ‘cool’ for us now, let’s go Kenz. See ya later loser” Jessica says. I just stand there like an idiot thinking that they will get over it during lunch. Little did I know that lunch was going to be a disaster.

After two classes of ignoring the teacher and thinking about life, it was lunch time. As I walk into the cafeteria, I notice something out of the ordinary. I see Jessica and Mackenzie sitting and laughing with the ‘popular table’.

I just sit down at my table knowing that I should just give them some space. Then, I felt something getting thrown on the back of my head.

I turn around to see Jessica and Mackenzie looking proud, but also very guilty.

I quickly get up and run to the bathroom trying to ignore the amount of laughter coming from everyone at the cafeteria. I get into the first empty stall and sob. I didn’t care that I probably looked like a mess – how could they do that to me?!

~End of flashback~

Rosie’s P.O.V

Wow I sure hope Harry doesn’t ever leave me alone. Even though I’ve only known him for like a day, I knew we would be really good friends – possibly best friends? Only time will tell.   




The Story of Mute GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora