Author's Note

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Hey guys! Sorry if you thought this was another chapter. But i just wanted to say a few things. First, if any one of you knows how to make a really good cover for this story, please message me and we'll talk about how it should look. If i like the cover, I’ll dedicate a chapter to you. Next, this is my first author's note, and it feels pretty darn good to do this. Also, please comment! I love when people comment, just like i love when people fan me and vote *wink, wink, nudge, nudge* Lastly, I’m sick :/ but don’t worry, im not going to abandon you guys, I’ll suck it up. Saying that, I’m going to try writing two chapters this week, maybe three? It depends how many people actually comment, fan, or vote. Okay I’m done now.


Love you all! :)


I'm hungry, so I’m going to go eat a potato BYE!!






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