Chapter 29

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Harry's P.O.V

When Rosie takes the box from me, I try to react as quick as possible to take it back. However, she opens the box before I can take it and her eyes go wide and she starts to shake and breathe uncontrollably while sobbing. I take the box with the picture in it and she doesn't try to fight back for it.

Kenzie sits down next to Rosie and hugs her tightly, rubbing her back. “Shh it's okay Rosie, we can get through this. Nothing will happen, I promise. Breathe. Do you need a paper bag?”

Rosie shakes her head, still trying to control her breathing. I just stay standing and watching. I have no idea what to say or do. After a few minutes, she begins to breathe a little better. “Harry get her some tissues.” I do as Mackenzie says without arguing. After a couple more minutes, of watching Rosie trying to recover from her episode, I go splash some cold water on my face, trying to calm down. I have some anger issues and right now, if I don't find something to hit, I might lash out on the girls by accident.

I grab a towel to dry my face and then I take my keys out of my pocket. “I gotta go” I mumble watching Rosie and Kenzie still sitting on the floor. Mackenzie looks up with tears in her eyes then anger overtakes her features. “You're leaving after what just happened?! How dare you be that selfish. Rosie needs you and you're leaving!” She screams at me.

I feel horrible but I have to go to the gym or somewhere before I do or say something I'll regret. Ignoring her yells towards me, I walk out the door, slamming it shut.

Whoever did this to her is going to regret ever walking this earth.

Mackenzie’s P.O.V

After about ten minutes, Rosie calms down and gets up to wash her face. She lost the color in her face and she looks like she's going to puke. My thoughts are confirmed when I hear gagging in the bathroom. I get up and walk to the bathroom, the door already open, I go inside to help pull her hair back while she leans her head into the toilet.

How could Harry leave right now? I know this was a horrible thing to see but he can't just abandon Rosie when she needs us most. I thought he cared for her, guess I was wrong.

Harry's P.O.V

“Damn it!” I yell as my fist collides with a tree. This isn't fair, why does she have to have such a horrible life? I wish I could take away some of her pain, I'd rather have it than Rosie. She's been through so much and now this creep is just adding on to it. Who is he anyway? Is it really Mr. Smith? There's only one way to find out.

I shake the pain away from my now newly bloodied hand and start to walk in the direction of Rosie's neighborhood again. I need to find out where he lives then ask him myself. He can't hide anymore.

Walking to each house on the street and asking people if they know any information on Mr. Smith was pretty annoying but I got some answers. They told me his name is Ricky and some other useless stuff. Just when I think what I'm doing is nearly impossible I knock on a purple door, hoping this person will know him and a busty woman opens the door.

“Um hi. I was just wondering if you know someone by the name of Ricky Smith?” I ask awkwardly. She smiles big, showing off her incredibly white teeth and stands out on the porch closer to me. I move back, not wanting to be in such a close proximity as her.

“Well aren't you adorable!” She compliments, ignoring my question. “What's your name?”

“Harry. Now please answer the question.” I know I sound mean but this lady just called me 'adorable' so now we're even.

“Wow grouchy I see. Yes I do know Ricky, he's an old friend of mine” she blushes when she tells me this. Ew.

“So do you know where he lives?” Realizing how creepy that sounds I continue “I'm one of his students and I have to ask him something”

“Oh I didn't know he was a teacher. Good for him! He's been through so much, thank god he's back on his feet.”

“What do you mean?” I question, hoping she'll tell me.

“Well I shouldn't tell you but he broke my heart so I'll I guess I should.” Her logic is stupid but as long as she tells me, I'm fine with it.

“Well his best friend and his best friend's wife were murdered a couple months ago. To be honest, I think he had a thing for the wife, which is probably why he left me. I don't get it though I mean I'm much prettier, nicer, and –”

“Do you know what their names were?” I interrupt, not caring what she started to ramble on about.

“I think the man was Adam or something... why does it matter?” She asks curiously.

“No reason, so where does he live?” I quickly change the subject. I make a mental note to remind myself to ask Rosie if Adam was the name of her father when I see her again.

“Fine whatever, don't tell me.” She sassily remarks. She then finally tells me the address of where he lives which is only a couple streets away.

“Thank you!” I yell, already jogging down the porch. I hear her call out “tell him Katy said hi and that she has a much better guy that actually cares about her!” she desperately calls out, waving goodbye.


I arrive at 'Ricky's' house about five minutes later. It's getting darker out but I'll stay here as long as I have to. My anger has been boiling this whole time and if I don’t get my questions answered soon I'll go berserk. I start pounding on the door repeatedly until I hear the sound of the door unlocking.

Moments later, he walks out looking surprised. “Harry? What are you doing here?”

Just looking at him, I want to punch him repeatedly but I clench my fists to keep me from doing so. First I need him to answer all of my questions. 


Heyyy.... okay you all probably hate me.

I know I've said this in most of my chapters but I'm really sorry! But I have an excuse for not posting this time. My laptop got ruined and I had to get it fixed. I already had the chapter on it so I couldn't use a different computer.

Anyway, back to the story. What do you think is going to happen? Do you think it's actually Mr. Smith? If not, who do you think it is? 

Also, thank you so much for getting this book over 15,000 reads!! I honestly didn't even think it would get this far, the begining was horrible haha. 

I'm working on the next chapter, I'm not sure when it'll be done but hopefully it'll be quicker than my usual updates... hehe. 

P.S. If you haven't noticed already, I made a new cover for this story! I know it's not that good but I think it's an improvement from the old one.

Oh and please vote, comment, and follow!

Well byeee! I love you all and once again, thank you so much! 

~ Rawan

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