Chapter 7

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Harry’s P.O.V

After moving schools, I thought this was going to be the worst day ever. Although, when I bumped into a small and petite figure, I began apologizing.

As I was apologizing, I noticed that this girl looked so depressed and lonely. The way she looked at me- she looked terrified. She looked like she expected me to hit her.

Even when I stretched my hand out to help her up, she flinched. I felt bad for her, so I cracked a joke or two. I just wanted to see her in a good mood. But she didn’t even talk. I wanted to know more about her, so I decided to also skip school. I didn’t really care that it was my first day.

As we were walking to the café I recommended, I noticed her look back at the school repeatedly. “You don’t usually ever skip, right?” I ask curiously, already knowing the answer. She just stares at the ground.

“Are you ok? You seem sad” I ask with worry in my voice, stating the obvious. She looks up at me, then quickly back at the ground. She nods her head showing that she’s ok, even though I know she’s not.

“Okay, well here we are!” I exclaim, she lightly chuckles and sits down. “So… do you like coffee?” She nods her head up and down. “Okay, well I’ll just go get us some ice coffee” I utter while going to get us the coffee.

I come back with two straws and two ice coffees. “Here you go” I say, giving her the cold drink. She smiles at me in approval. I sit down across from her.

“So if you don’t mind me asking, what’s your name?” She just froze there, staring at her cup, looking uncomfortable. ‘Ugh, you’re so stupid Harry! She doesn’t talk!’ I remind myself in my mind.

“sorry, I forgot. Maybe you could write it down though?” I suggest while giving her a pen and paper from my backpack. She takes it, jots down something, and hands it back to me. In neat cursive, I read the word Rosie.

“Oh hi Rosie, I’m Harry” I say putting my hand up to shake her hand.

“You know, I feel like we’re going to be great friends” I announce when we walk out the café’s doors.      

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