Chapter 2

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~Rosie's P.O.V~

While I'm walking home, I see Jessica and Mackenzie (AKA my old 'friends' who now bully me). I try to squeeze my way through some cars in the parking lot, trying to avoid the bullies.

Unfortunately, I hear my name being called out. ‘Uh- oh’ I think, trying to run. But, right before I get to run, I feel a hand on my shoulder. “And where do you think you’re going?” I hear someone whisper/yell into my ear.

I didn’t even have to turn around because I already knew who it was. “Look at me when I’m talking to you” I turn around to see a fake blond standing in front of me, other known as Jessica. Ugh I can’t believe we used to be friends.

She then smirks and punches me in the throat. “Talk-idiot-talk!” She yells while hitting me over and over again.

Even though people say “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Yeah well I think that saying is really stupid. The reason why I think it’s so stupid is because if you get hit, it hurts you physically. Although, if you mentally hurt someone, than they will feel unstable. Well if you haven’t guessed by now, I’ve gotten bullied physically and mentally.

 “Mackenzie, are you going to help or what?!” Jessica yells to her friend. You know, I’ve always liked Mackenzie better than Jessica. Maybe because whenever Mackenzie was by herself- which barely ever happened, she would ignore my presence, which is better than taunting me.

Before I got deeper into my thoughts, I felt a hard punch right in the stomach. That’s the last thing I remembered before passing out.

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