Chapter 24

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~Chapter 24~

Mackenzie’s P.O.V

Harry and I both anxiously wait for the doctors to let us see Rosie and to tell us what’s wrong with her.

After ten minutes of waiting impatiently, the receptionist says we could go in and see her. We quickly jump out of our seats and rush over to the door Rosie’s in.

When we are let into her room and Harry immediately runs to her side. He grabs her bruised and silently whispers into it. The whole image of this looked really sweet.

I cautiously walk towards the bed she’s on. I see that she’s half-awake and as soon as she sees me, her eyes widen in what seems to be fear. I take a step back, but then slowly walk back to the bed. “Rosie I know you most likely hate me but please just hear me out” I began.

After what seemed like forever, I’m done explaining everything and apologizing repeatedly. Harry and I both stare at her to see how she reacts. When she displays a little smile, I get really excited. “So this means I get another chance?!” I am my voice full of hope. She reluctantly nods and I run to Rosie and give her a gentle hug, making sure I careful not to hurt her.

A few moments of me hugging her, I pull away and see Harry trying to calm some random woman down. Hmm… I wonder who that is.

I see the woman leave harry and start to talk to the doctor. I walk up to Harry and as him who that lady was. He looks at me like I just grew an extra eye. “She’s Rosie’s foster mom…” he says slowly.

I stare rather dumbfounded at him, then the lady, then Rosie, then back at him. “No… Rosie isn’t a foster kid, she has parents. Who by the way they are probably worried about her right now.” Harry looks at me again like I’m crazy, and then looks as if he had just remembered something. “Harry, are you okay? What’s going on?” I ask eagerly. “Nothing, let’s just talk about this later. Right now, we should go comfort Rosie.” I agree but remind him that this conversation wasn’t over.

Harry’s P.O.V

Uh-oh… did I just tell Mackenzie that Rosie has foster mom? She told I was the only one that knows about that… ugh what have I done?!

I walk back into her room with Mackenzie while her foster mom is talking to a doctor. By the looks of it, she and the doctor seem to know each other pretty well. Maybe Rosie goes to the hospital a lot? Wow, even the thought of that makes my jaw clench.

Mackenzie and I sit next to Rosie’s hospital bed for the next hour or so until her foster mom comes in and doesn’t look so pleased. “Rosie, you need some rest, get your friends out of here now” she whispers to Rosie. I hear her, and when I saw Mackenzie’s face, I guessed that she heard her too. Wow, that lady sounds really nice *insert sarcastic voice*

“Well” I say awkwardly, getting up. “I think we should get going now Mackenzie.” She agrees with me and we hug Rosie and wave goodbye to her foster mom. “Text me when you feel better” I yell to Rosie. She gives me a small smile and nods.

Rosie’s P.O.V

Right after Harry and Mackenzie left, a sudden thought occurred to me. Mackenzie just saw my foster mom. Does she know?! What if she tells Jessica, or the rest of that group, let alone anyone? I know I already forgave Mackenzie, but that doesn’t exactly mean we’re best friends again. That doesn’t exactly mean that is she finds out, she won’t tell anyone. I mean, how would she react? Would she feel guilty for not being there for me and bullying me? Or would she feel pity for me? All these thoughts are roaming through my mind. After about five minutes of deep thinking, I decide to just text harry and ask him.

Me: Did you tell Mackenzie about my… situation?

He texts back about five minutes later. Well that was fast, I guess he got home quickly; I think as I open up the text.

Harry: No, well kind of. I might have said that that lady was your foster mom… I’m really sorry; I forgot that I was the only one who knew. But she looked very surprised and kept saying that you had parents and you weren’t a foster kid. I think she was either confused or in denial, or both. Oh and she said that our conversation wasn’t over. Do you want me to tell her? If you don’t want me to, I’ll just say I was messing with her or something like that. Again, I’m really sorry! Are you mad?

As I read the text, I hesitate before replying.

Me: No I’m not mad, I know that you didn’t mean to, so it’s alright. Mackenzie’s really persistent and not gullible (most of the time) so I guess you can tell her… but only if you trust her. If you do, then I do too.

Harry: Okay well for now, I’m still not completely convinced that she’s changed, but when and if I do trust her, I’ll tell. Thank god you’re not mad at me. I don’t think I could live knowing that you, Rosie Winters, was mad at me :P

I laugh softly but then feel a heat rise to my cheeks. Why am I blushing…? I brush it off then send him one last text.

Me: Haha! Well I have to go now; the nurse’s making me go to sleep. Night :)

I put my phone down next to me as I’m about to sleep, my phone vibrates again. I open the new text and smile when I see it.

Harry: Goodnight. Sweet dreams my precious Rosie (cue the pedophile smile)

Only Harry, I laugh to myself. I then put my phone back on the table next to me and sleep takes over me. Well, today’s been eventful. 


Hey guys, miss me? :p

Okay I feel REALLY bad for not updating for like two months. I had writers block and I still have Ramadan. I get really cranky when it's Ramadan because well, I love food lol who doesn't?! :p

I was also reading a lot this summer. i know, I'm nerdy but oh well. And I know it's weird, but I even wrote down a bunch of books i want to read before  die...

Book recommendation: Speak- by Laurie Halse Anderson

Book recommendation (on Wattpad): Controlled (series)- by RainySkky 

On other news, I'm going on vacation to Canada (holler) on Saturday, so I'll TRY to update before that. OH and I'm getting a better laptop soon so I'm going to be updating more frequently :D


I love you if you're actually still reading this book, and if not, then screw you. JKJK I LOVE YOU NO MATTER WHAT. 

So... I've gotta go now but bye! please comment, vote, and fan, it really does make me feel better knowing that you are actually reading this and (hopefully) like it. I love comments so even if you have hard criticism, comment! I like when i get the hard on truth. My sister is an English major, so trust me, I can take criticism on my writing! 

Okay well BYEEEE

*Gets down on my knees and begs for your forgiveness for  not updating in a long time*

Oh and thanks for +5,000 reads!! 

Now I'm serious lol I need to go, BYE...again. 

~Rawan :)

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