Chapter 18

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Harry’s P.O.V

Why is she crying? Was it something I said? No it couldn’t be, I didn’t do anything to make her mad. “Rosie, please tell me” I say – almost pleading.

She stares at the floor for a while before she sighs and takes her notebook out. I see more tears stream down her face but this time she ignores them and starts to write.

Five minutes later of her writing and taking little breaks to cry, she hands me her notebook. I try to read it as fast as possible, so I could find out why she was crying and hopefully help her.

After reading it over and over again, I finally understand. This is why she is mute. This is why she is always depressed. This explains mostly everything.

I look up from the notebook to find sobbing uncontrollably. All I can say at that moment is “Rosie, I’m so sorry. Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me about it” I say going over to hug her closely, rubbing small circles on her back trying to calm her down.

“It’s okay, don’t worry, I promise things will get better, trust me. But if you don’t mind me asking, who um, well, who killed them?” I ask awkwardly not knowing if she would mind me asking her.

She pulls out of our hug and writes in her notebook again. When she hands me it, it reads ‘I don’t know.’ I give her a sympathetic look before wiping her tears. I look down and see that my shirt is soaked from all her tears, but I don’t care. All I care about right now is trying to cheer up my best friend. I can tell Rosie doesn’t want to go deeper into the conversation, so I change the subject.

“Oh we haven’t looked through that rack yet Rosie!” I say pointing at the rack. She smiles knowing that I’m trying to change the subject for her sake, and then nods. We look through the rack that seems to be the only one we didn’t go through. After about ten minutes of looking and starting to lose hope, I spot the dress.

“Rosie come look at this” I say happy that I might have finally found the dress. She comes to where I am and sees the dress. I literally can see her eyes widen and pop out of their sockets as she nods.

‘Finally’ I think to myself. This has been a very…interesting shopping trip.


Hey guys! I'm soo sorry i didn't post this earlier, school has been really hectic lately. But don't worry i'm going to try to post more often

Please vote, comment, and fan if you like it so far, and if not well...idk :)

Bye now! 


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