Chapter 28

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Rosie's P.O.V

Mackenzie and I just stare at Harry, waiting for what he's about to say. He looks confused and bewildered. What did he see? Who does he think it is?

After what seems like an eternity, he speaks up. “Uhm, okay so I uh think it's...” He mumbles the last part and we don't hear it.

“Go on Fuzzball! Who do you think it is?!” Kenzie asks eagerly.


We both give him questioning looks before he speaks up again.

“I said, I think it's Mr. Smith. I'm pretty sure it was him that I just saw. Why would he do that though? Maybe it wasn't him, maybe I'm just seeing things. Maybe–”

He is interrupted when Kenzie slaps him across the face to get him to shut up. “Harry, calm down! I think it's him too. Since I saw him and now you saw him, I'm pretty sure that it is him.”

They both look at me after she speaks. “Rosie, what do you think?” they both say simultaneously.

Honestly, I don't know what to think. Why would one of my teachers be doing this? It just doesn't make sense. Even if it was Mr. Smith, what would he want?

In response, I just shrug my shoulders.

“Guys, we have two options, we can either ask him about it tomorrow, or we can call the cops next time it happens” Harry says.

“It would be more fun to find out ourselves. I don't think a teacher would tell us why he was stalking Rosie's house and I don't think we should get the cops involved until we're sure about everything” Kenzie retorts.

Harry and I both nod our heads, agreeing with our friend.

“Well let's just forget about this for now and try to relax. I don't know about you two, but I'm not so tired anymore. You guys up for building a fort?” Kenzie asks.

Harry and I just stare at each other. “Uh sorry to break it to ya, but we're not kids.”

“Oh come on! You know you wanna” she whines.

“Rosie what do you think?” They both ask me at the same time. I nod excitedly. Call me a kid, but I've always loved making forts.

“Yay!” Kenzie exclaims, clapping her hands together.

Only we would be caught building a fort at 3 in the morning.


Later that day we all get ready to go to school and arrive a little late because we were cleaning up our fort. We only had an hour of sleep but we didn't want to miss school; Harry and I have English class today. We need to know if it was actually Mr. Smith at my door, we might be overreacting but it's better safe than sorry.

After drawing a portrait of one of my idols for art (I did Demi Lovato because she's amazing), the bell rings indicating it was time for me to head to English class. I meet Harry at our table when I walk in, but Mr. Smith nowhere in sight. I give Harry a questioning look, and he speaks up.

“Mr. Smith isn't here today” he says, anger and annoyance clear in his voice. “You know, I bet he knew that we were going to know it was him so he just didn't come to school today.”

I nod; I didn't want to argue that he may be sick or something.

After school, Harry gives Kenzie and I a ride to our houses and after telling him I'm fine staying home alone while my foster parents are at work, he leaves. I change into my pajamas and decide to take a nap on the couch. I wake up to the doorbell ringing repeatedly.

Scared that there's someone outside that's bigger and stronger than me, I grab an umbrella from the rack near the door. Looking outside from the window, I see a rather tall shadow. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god.

When I finally have the courage to open the door, the shadow's gone. I look for a car or some sort of clue, but there's nothing in sight. Before I close the door, I see a box next to my feet on the welcome mat. Okay... that's strange. I bring the box inside and text Kenzie and Harry asking them if they can come over, just in case I'm not prepared for what's inside the box.

About fifteen minutes later, they're both here and asking me what's going on. I point to the box and write down what happened. They get tense and Harry decides he'll open it.

I look away while Harry opens the medium sized box. I hear both Harry and Kenzie gasp loudly and my heart drops. Is it that bad? Turning my head, I see that they closed the box and Harry has it in his hands. I give them a questioning look, trying to take the box from his grasp but he won't let go.

“Rosie, you really don't want to see it. Just let it go, screw them. We need to get this to the cops” Mackenzie says, gritting her teeth while looking both nervous and disgusted.

I shake my head and try to take the box from the still silent Harry. He glares at the box and I nearly think he's trying to burn it with his eyes.

My curiosity gets the best of me and I tickle him, then take the box and rip off the cover.

I feel like I'm going to vomit when I see what's inside.

There's an old family picture of me and my real parents with X's covering both of their heads. Underneath, there's a caption saying “They were in the way of my prize.”


Hey guys, long time no see! I know, I'm horrible at update schedules and I'm reallyy sorry! But I swear I'm trying. I rewrote this chapter so many times and then I finally decided enough procrastinating so I wrote this and I know it's short but I have another chapter I'll update soon.. hopefully lol. My writers block is gone and I decided how this book is going to go (thank god). 

Also, thank you so much for the 12,000+ reads, I love you all!! :,)

Question: Who do you think is the one who keeps doing this? Jessica? Mr. Smith? Mackenzie? Or possibly someone else? 

Please vote, comment, and follow, it really helps me stay motivated :) 

Bye you amazing people  <3

~ Rawan 

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