Chapter 25

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(Please read the important author's note at the bottom!)

~Chapter 25~

Rosie's P.O.V

I wake up to two familiar voices bickering about something. Once I open my eyes, I see it's Harry and Mackenzie. I rise an eyebrow and as if Harry knows what I'm thinking, he sighs and starts to explain. “Mackenzie here thinks we should all go hang out since you're being released from the hospital today.” He rolls his eyes once he sees Mackenzie mocking him. Mackenzie then sits on one of the chairs near my hospital bed and begins talking.

“Look, Fuzzball here is just being really boring. We should all do something fun and try to forget everything that's been happening. Plus, I really miss hanging out with you Ro” she ends with a pleading look. I pretend to think deeply, but then nod. “Yay! I can't wait to-”

“Wait hold on” Harry interrupts with amusement in his voice. “Did you just call me Fuzzball?” Mackenzie and I both chuckle at the name until she explains. Smirking, she nods her head. “Yes, you have curly hair so I shall call you Fuzzball” she teases, ruffling her hand in his chestnut colored hair. He slaps her hand away and speaks up again. “And you call Rosie Ro? Why give her a nickname for Rosie which is already a nickname?” After Harry had asked that question Mackenzie and I again, both laugh softly before she answers him. “No Harry I call Rosie Ro because she's good at canoeing” she jokes. After he remains silent she gives him another one of her faces. “Get it? Ro like rowing a canoe? I knew you were slow Fuzzball but come on, that was awesome.” He just mutters “no it wasn't” then sits down next to Mackenzie.

“But what's the real reason?” She gives him a slightly irritated look before replying. “Rosie is her real name. It isn't a nickname. I call her Ro because I've been calling her Ro since we were kids and the name just stuck.” Harry's once clueless face turns into a small smile and looks at me. “Oh, well that's good because I like the name Rosie.” I smile back at him as to say 'thank you'.

Before anyone could speak up again, the doctor comes in and tells me that I'm free to go. He helps me up from the bed then talks again. “Okay Rosie, Aria is in the waiting room so she can bring you home. I'm not going to give you another speech since it is most certain that you don't listen anyway” he scolds. I ignore him and go to the waiting room to find Aria sitting, looking mad as usual. When she sees me, Harry, and Mackenzie, her frown goes slightly upward.

“Hi Mrs. Winters, we were wondering if you would let us take Rosie out for a bit, we promise nothing will happen” Harry requests sounding hopeful. Aria eyes him, then Mackenzie. “I suppose, but only for a bit” she says sternly. “Oh and my last name isn't Winters, it's Cummings.” Harry smiles, “Okay thank you!” we all walk to Harry's car but before we get in, Mackenzie stops us.

“Um guys, who was that?” I look at Harry knowing this was probably going to be really hard to explain. But surprisingly, he answers rather nonchalantly. “Oh, that was just Rosie's...nanny.” She looks at him unconvinced. “First of all, I think Rosie is old enough to not have a nanny. Second, you called her Mrs. Winters.” she points out. Harry keeps going with his lie and says “Yeah, and she corrected me saying it was Cummings not Winters, I'm bad with names” he waves it off. “Okay well where to Ladies?” Mackenzie rolls her eyes knowing something's up but answers him anyway. “I was thinking we could go bowling then go out for pizza” she suggests. Harry takes a second to think, then nods. “I'm fine with that, what about you Rosie?” I nod, remembering how much me Mackenzie, and Jessica loved bowling back when we were all best friends. I hear a squeal of excitement in the back of the car. Yup, Kenzie hasn't changed at all, still always cheery I see.


We finally arrive at the bowling alley. The whole ride consisted of Harry and Kenzie bickering about who will be winning. When we walk into the alley, I see that hasn't changed since last time I was there. The only change was that they replace the carpet with a much cleaner one. If you ask me, that was a step to the right direction. “You okay?” I turn around and see I worried Harry. I guess I was zoned out. I smile genuinely and nod.

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