Chapter 15

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Rosie’s P.O.V

 “Now class, be creative, and don’t make something that I’ve probably seen one hundred times. I want it to be fun and inspirational. Something that is original and sticks out. Okay, I’m done blabbing; you can get back to work” Ms. Finkle yells to the class.

I thought of a great idea, it was very original.

It was a picture of a girl with duct tape on her mouth and a tear dripping down one of her cheeks. It symbolized how I felt. The duct tape, because I’m mute and the tear, because I have been through a lot of horrible things.

 “Wow! Rosie this is amazing!” Ms. Finkle thinks out loud, maybe a little too loud for my liking. I just blush, hoping that no one had heard and would look. But of course, being the crazy art teacher she is, Ms. Finkle throws it up in the air showing the whole class the drawing.

“Now this, class is exactly what I’m looking for. Rosie’s picture stands out and has a story behind it, right Rosie?”

Everyone turns their head and stares right at my socially awkward face.

I nod my head up and down, knowing that I’m probably going to get teased today about this picture.

Just then, the bell rang. ‘Saved by the bell, once again’ I think as I’m walking out the door.

“Rosie, wait I need to talk to you for a second” Ms. Finkle yells across the room to me.

‘Here it goes again’ I’m thinking as I walk to her colorful desk.

“Don’t worry; I’m not going to give you a lecture about how you should speak. I admit it, I don’t know why you’ve changed, but I’m guessing there’s a reason. Although, what I do know is that this picture you drew today, explains a lot, and I am intrigued. I also know that this picture describes your life. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you teary eyed in class. I feel useless, knowing that you’re feeling this way and I can’t do anything. But, I just want to tell you that things will get better. Do not lose hope. Whatever you’re going through right now, I promise it’ll get better.

I wish you the best Rosie. And I know I probably put you in a rough spot today and I’m sorry. Although, in my defense, I am a crazy art teacher” she finishes staring right at me. I chuckle at the fact the she attempted a joke but failed. Then, her face turned serious again.

“Rosie, just promise me that you are never going to give up, you’re always going to try your best, OK?”

I nod quickly, feeling grateful that I at least have one person that understands me.

“Okay, well I’m tired of hearing my own talking so much, so goodbye” she smiles sweetly. I get up from my seat and mouth ‘thank you’ to her, making sure she knew I appreciated this. “You’re welcome Rosie, and just remember, if you need to talk to anyone, I’m always here for you. But, not right now, because you’re going to not have time to eat lunch if you don’t leave now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

I walk out the door, nervous of what Harry wanted to talk about during lunch.    


Dont have much to please vote, comment, fan, and anything else you wanna do :) okay well i'm gonna go take a nap lol i'm tired.

Also, I HOPE IT KEEPS SNOWING hehe i love the snow

Well, till next time....bye bye :)






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