Chapter 16

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Harry’s P.O.V

Where was Rosie?! I’ve been sitting at the lunch table she always sits at. Did she forget to meet me? Or, did she just not want to hear what I had to say?

I’m just about to give up and go sit at my usual seat with my friends, when I saw Rosie walking in. She sits down across from me and immediately gives me a ‘what do you want?’ face.

“Well hello to you too” I joke. She rolls her eyes, indicating that I am annoying her. “I don’t know where to start with all of this…okay, first off, I’m just going to say this, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doing anything that I hurt you. I never ever want to, or intend to hurt you or hurt our friendship. I was confused, and I still am. I didn’t even mean to get you sad. Look, I guess what I’m trying to is that even though I just met you not too long ago, I want us to be friends, not only friends but best friends. There’s something different about you, something that I can’t quite put my finger on, but I know that it’s something special. I thought about that note you handed to me, but I seriously have no idea what it means, so how about we just start all over?”

I put my hand out stretching across the table. “Hi Rosie, I’m Harry. Harry Hunter” I smile cheekily, knowing that she would cave. After about a few awkward seconds, she shakes my hand, smiling.

I was forgiven…again. I grin widely, happy that I had my best friend back. Speaking of friends… oh yeah! Mike wanted me to invite Rosie to the party! I quickly speak up again.

“So my friend is having a party and he wanted me to invite you. I think you know him, does Mike ring a bell?” Her smile immediately drops and forms into a frown.

“Rosie are you okay? You don’t seem too excited.”  She gets her notebook out and starts to write. I was now used to her always getting her notebook out to jot down something.

She’s done writing after a few seconds. She hands the notebook to me that says ‘No, I don’t want to go.’ What?! I thought she would say yes. “Why not?” I say with a confused tone in my voice. She takes the notebook again and writes ‘I just don’t want to.’ I sigh, knowing that I was going to have to beg. Good think I’m a good persuader.

“Oh come on Rosie, that’s a lie! I know that you would love to go, what’s the real reason you don’t want to go?”

She takes about a minute, thinking of what to write, I suppose. She finally writes ‘Fine, the reason I don’t want to go is because Mike and his gang aren’t the kindest people I’ve met. Last time they invited me to a party, it was a prank. They dumped fruit punch all over me and no one stood up for me. They were all just laughing as I quickly ran off.’

I look at Rosie, who has tears rolling down her cheeks. Oh god, I’m the worst at comforting people, but here I go.

I rub her back trying to calm her down. “I’m really sorry Rosie. Nobody should ever have to experience that kind of humiliation. But, time can change people. I mean, they probably feel really guilty that they did that to you. I bet that’s why they want to make it up to you. And you should let them. If not for them, for me! I really want my best friend with me. So could you please go? You won’t even have to talk to them ­– well in your case, write.” I beg her with a sympathetic smile and puppy dog eyes.

She stares at me for a while before laughing really hard. “What?” I ask thinking that she’s lost it. She writes in her notebook yet again, and hands it to me. ‘You’re really childish’ it says. I narrow my eyes at her, “so is that a yes?” She rolls her eyes but then, hesitantly nods. I jump out of my chair and hug her tightly. “Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!” I overreact. She manages to pry me off of her.

After about twenty minutes of babbling on and on about pointless things, the bell rings. I quickly get to Rosie before she leaves the cafeteria. “Oh, and Rosie, just saying, we’re going dress shopping after school before the party, okay? Okay.” I say before quickly leaving before she can argue.


Lol this chapter was really long, well to me at least. I'll try posting more often now since i have a vacation right now.

okay well i don't have anything to say, so bye for now my little penguins *awkward hug* okay bye now :)





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