Chapter 13:Morning

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It was the morning and I woke up early Miles was sleeping in his sleeping bag peaceful and cute. Something came over me and I wanted it to be like last night, when we kissed. What was I thinking I like Beck, Miles is just a friend. A really cute and nice friend. Stop thinking that! I was thinking too hard that I didn't realized that Miles has woken up. We just stared at each other. Probably both thinking about last night. Miles scratched his head and got up. "Wanna get some breakfast?" He asked. I stared at him and it just came out, "WHY DID YOU KISS ME LAST NIGHT?" I blurted out. Miles stared at me looking confused. "I don't really know," He said quietly. That's not what I wanted to hear. "I...I.. may like-" He started to say but I interrupted without hearing what he said and said, "It's ok. I kind of..." I couldn't say that I liked it. It could make him feel uncomfortable and ruin our friendship. "Look, I don't know what I was thinking. I guess I was just really really really really really really really tired and and and..." He explained. But I cut him out and kissed him right on the lips! And then said, "Lets just say this never happened," I said. "What never happened," Miles said with a smile. We were both a little disappointed I think. But we got over it real quick when we say what Miles' mom made for breakfast. Pancakes, with the best syrup in town. Miles dad was out of the house he had a weird job that Miles and I never understood.

We ate breakfast. And the rest of the day was just a blur. Then at 5:00pm Mom picked me up. I went downstairs to get my back with my stuff in it. Miles came down with me. "Thanks for inviting me," I say, "it was fun." I smile. "Oh no problem," Miles said kind of embarrassed. We looked at each other for a while when I heard my mom call me, we still kept staring. I then realized I had to go. Without thinking I kissed him on the check and went up stairs. Then I stopped in my tracks, I looked at him and said, "It never happened," I said with a wink and ran up the stairs. I thanked Miles mom for having me over and left.

"How's was it," Mom asked.
"Good,great,fantastic. Why do you care!?" I said nervous.
"Just wondering," She replied.
"We have to leave a little earlier for softball practice today cause Angela is having a study date with her new friend Deck? I think." She replied.
"MOM, it's Beck," I laughed so hard. "Deck? Whose name would be Deck?"
"Hey it's not my business," Mom said.

And then we got home.

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