Chapter 19: Phase 1 of the Plan Continued

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        Fudge fudge, she knows it's me! Act normal, act normal. "Hello," I begin. "OMG OMG OMG YOU HAVE A NEON BLUE BOW!" "Is that why you did the surprise face?" I asked. "Well duh!" she responded. I heard her get up from the chair in the office and walk to the kitchen I quickly logged out of animal jam and click on my favorites bar, One of the most famous fashion websites. Mae got some paper and a pencil from the kitchen and sat back down in the office chair. "OH NO!" She screamed. "What?" I asked. "THE PERSON HAD A NEON BLUE BOW AND THEN LEFT MY DEN!" She yelled, "I WAS GONNA TRADE FOR IT!" I quickly logged back on animal jam and went to her den. "Omg thank you for coming back," Mae said. "Sure," I replied. "Can you put your neon blue bow on trade," she said. "How about I put a plusie on trade so I can see what you want to trade for the bow," I say. "Ok," she says.

        I wait a minute and then a trade request pops up on my screen. Two rare bows, a rare spike, and a pink headdress. OMG A PINK HEADDRESS!! I quickly accepted, knowing I just scammed Mae. And I got all her stuff and she got an ugly plushie. I do a vampire face, an evil face so she knows I'm out to get her. And just to make sure she knew that, I said "I'm out to get you, so watch out...." and then I logged off. I ran upstairs and dug through the last drawer of my clothes and found the note.

        Phase 1 of the Plan, checked.

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