Chapter 21: The Bus Ride

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When I finished getting for school,Mae got up and ate breakfast. She looks gross and tired but I guess that's her usual look. I headed out the door. Mom said to meet her at the dinner at 4:30. So yeah. I got on the bs and talked to Beck all romantically. Miles was listening to music and Ella wasn't there. I was mad at him but I quickly got over it when he started talking. He's just so amazing!

"We can spend like everyday together," he said. I looked at him confused. I guess he realized that because he said, "You know Monday through Friday we see each other at school. And every Saturday we have a baseball game. And we have baseball practice on Sundays. You know?" He said. I was still confused. "I don't play baseball?" I said. Now he looked confused. He looked like he was trying to say something but couldn't get it out. Then he said it, "Does Mae play baseball..." "Yes, so?" I said. "I...I guess that means I kissed her," he said. I sat there on the bus and stared at him. At the person I thought was my boyfriend. "The only reason I kissed her was because I thought it was you," he said like her was forced. "Sure! Just leave me alone, you dirty cheater. We're over!" My shoulders felt lighter for some reason. Maybe Beck wasn't the right guy for me. I thought I knew him well but those were probably just lies.

"Listen," he said. "My dad said that I couldn't" "So you can date anyone but me?!" I said as my voice raised. "No, I can't date anyone. I'm... I'm too young." He said. "Oh I get it," I said. Obviously he was lying. He was hiding something.

Then we got to school and I got off after Miles. I noticed his phone in the side pocket connected to his headphones. No one was behind me (Beck got off before Miles). So I slowly and quietly stuck my hand his backpack pocket and unplug his headphones and took his phone I stuck it in my pocket. And got off the bus. When I got to my locker I put it deep in my backpack so no one would find it.

Crushes and SistersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon