Chapter 34: The Talk

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"You look cold, want some hot chocolate?" Miles asked.

I shivered then nodded my head yes. My hands were really red turning blue. Frost bite. Miles came back with the hot chocolate.

"Wow that was quick," I spoke.

"It only takes a minute," he replied.

We sat on his stairs to go upstairs.

"Hey Miles do you know where your phone is?" I asked. "No, I lost it like a week ago," he responded.
"Well Angela took it and was sending mean texts from it. And the point was to try to get us to hate each other," I blurted out. "That's why I was being mean to you to school," I finished. I just sat there.

"Why would Angela do that..." He asked. Then I think it hit him because he started talking.

"Mae one night Angela and I were texting each other and I was mad because you kissed Beck that night you know at baseball practice-"He said but I interrupted him. "Wait you were mad?!" I asked, "Why?

"Well I kinda like you..." He whispered. "BUT ANYWAYS BACK TO THE STORY!" He said his voice rising. "I like you to," I whispered. We stared at each other and both smiled. "Back to your story," I said. "What story?" He asked. "You know you texting Angela," I said. "Oh that one,"He nearly screamed.

"Okay so I kinda sorta texted Angela saying I hate you... because you kissed Beck at baseball practice..." He began. "And she got all mad at you cause you kissed Beck. So I'm guessing she started doing these mean things to you because you kissed Beck..."

After the words sunk in I started thinking.

I have lived with Angela long enough that this actually didn't make me mad. Her plan by pretending she was Miles was so dumb.

I didn't want to say anything mean because well I wasn't mad. So I said,"Do you hate me now?"

"No not at all!" Miles answered. "I actually like you more now now what I know you don't like Beck."

"Yeah I don't like him that much anymore. Any by the way he kissed me!" We both laughed. Then it went silent.

"Do you like me enough to ask me to the dance tomorrow?" I spoke.

"Hmm maybe," He said. Then he got down on one knee. "Mae-" He started.

"Hold up, this ain't a proposal, it's just asking me to the dance," I said giggling.

"I wasn't proposing I was just umm uh..." "TYING MY SHOE. Yes tying my shoe," He said.

"Then why did you say Mae?" I asked grinning.

"I was gonna ask you to tie my shoe for me," he said.

"Oh wanna ask me anything else after tying your shoe YOURSELF?" I questioned.

He pretended to tie his shoe then answered, "Yes there is. Mae Gomez will you go to the Winter Dance with me?" He asked.

"Sorry I already have a date," I lied.

"Oh... You do?" He asked confused.

"Just kidding," I said and jumped up and kissed him. We both blushed.

"It was all in the moment..." I said.

"Yeah it's hard not to do that," He said playing it cool. We both shrugged it off like it was nothing.

"So I'll walk you home?" He asked.

"Ok," I replied.

We got our coats on. Well he got his coat on I got my hoodie on. We headed into the snow.

After a lot of silence I said."You know what's weird? They call it a Winter Dance but it's barely even Winter."

"Yeah that's weird. And ya know, baseball season should be ending soon but how are we gonna play the last game in this much snow?" He said with a short breathy laugh.

"I don't know," I said. Then we got to my house.

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