Chapter 17: The List

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That night I looked at bad things to do to someone on animal jam and it said Trade Scam: To trick someone into thinking you will trade them something good and that when they trade you their good stuff say you will decline it. But really you say yes and take their stuff (doesn't seem too hard).When I heard Mae get into bed and fall asleep. I used the flashlight app on my phone and used it as light so I could make a list.

"Nice" Things To Do To Mae

1)Get an animal jam account (whatever it is she always does on the computer) and be mean to her and scam her good crap.

2)Write notes anonymously and blackmail her in real life and on animal jam.

3) Take Miles phone and send mean text to Mae.

4) If Mae likes Beck and has his number take Mae's phone and send mean stuff to Beck.

5) Be there when Beck needs someone to talk to

Ok maybe not the best plan but I never did this kind if stuff before so I think it's pretty good. Cause I can do like anything I'm just so perfect. I turned off my phone, hid the note underneath my clothes in the bottom drawer, and went to sleep. Tomorrow will be... interesting.

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