Chapter 14: Baseball Practice

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I went up to my room and I saw Angela getting into the shower. I was so tired so I just fell right alsleep on my bed. When I woke up I saw Angela getting ready for something. Her date with Beck. Deck. I silently laughed as I saw her apply makeup. Ugly. I saw the clock, it was 6:30 practice was at 7:00. I got ready for baseball practice and we left.

When we got out of the car I could smell the air. Fresh air. I always loved baseball it kept my mind off things. But the weird thing was I saw someone throwing pitches with Miles that looked a lot like Beck (it was a boy and girl team). Wait it was Beck! What was be doing here he had a date with Angela. Wait is be blowing off his date? YES IT LOOKS LIKE HE IS! Poor Angela. HAHA JK! She totally deserved this. It's not mean if she deserves it, right?

I warmed up with Lilly and Lauren. They were my baseball buddies but we all went to different schools so it sucked. My coach called us in and I figured we were gonna have an easy practice because it was the first practice of the season and there were a lot of new kids, like Beck.

I was right. We all sat in a circle. I sat next to Miles and Lilly, Lilly sat next to Lauren, Lauren sat next to Evelyn, and Beck sat across from me not next to Miles which was surprising. He just sat there quiet. "Ok, settle down," Coach said. "We're gonna take it easy today and get to know each other. Cause a team can't be good if they don't know their teammates. We're gonna start off with saying our name and what we like to do," Coach said. "Mae first." Coach has been my coach for a while like 5 years? So anyway I wasn't surprised I was picked to go first.

"Ok let's see." I said.Beck didn't seem like he was listening. He looked like he was thinking about something else besides baseball. Probably Angela."My name is Mae and I like baseball obviously." Everyone laughed. "She got three people out in one play!" Screamed Miles. I blushed cause it was true not because I liked him or anything! Cause I don't.. "Next is Lilly," Coach said. "Hey y'all I'm Lilly, and I like riding horses," said Lilly. I remember once after a game Lilly, Lauren, Evelyn, and I road horses together. It was great.

"Lauren," Coach said.
"Ello, I'm Lauren and I like Pokemon," said Lauren. She was British. Lilly had a southern accent. And me and Evelyn we, we were normal. Just kidding :).

Then Evelyn went, "Hey guys I'm Evelyn, and I like computer games."

Then Quinn, "Sup my peeps," all the guys did fist bumps and high fives and screamed SUP! "I'm Quinn and I like football," it was silent. "I'm just kidding, I like hanging with my friends."

Next Diego, "Hey guys, I'm Diego and I like Pokemon also!" We all looked at Lauren and laughed.

Next was John, "Hi, I'm John and I like video games,"

Then Beck, "Hey... I'm Beck and I like..." Say me, say me. "Pitching," everyone hit his shoulders and laughed like they were all friends.

Then Tyler. Then Wes. Then Paul. Then Morgan. Then Cindy. Then Layla. Then James.

Miles was up, "Hey guys. You think I'd be ready by know but nope. Umm," say your name shouted Diego. They were friends. I just realized. Diego was in all our classes. Wow all this Beck and Angela stuff has messed me up.

Miles laughed, "I'm Miles, and I like building stuff. I really don't know what to say." Everyone made fun of him in a good way though. I teased him. Everyone was laughing. Except Beck. He was staring at me.

We had new people but they all made friends. All the girls were a group. And all the guys were a group. Some guys were friends with girls. Some girls were friends with guys. Okay what I'm saying is, we are literally all like a family. Some of us have been on the same team for so long it's like a family. But unlike a family people liked each other. Like, LIKE LIKE. And everyone knew it, just like how brothers and sisters always know everything about their siblings. But did they know I liked Beck and Miles. Did they know I liked anyone. I wasn't that type of girl, that's probably what they thought. Everything was okay.

We all got up and we just scrimmaged pretty much the whole time. Coach told us where to go, so he could see our strengths and our weaknesses. And that was that.

Practice ended and everyone was friends with everyone. One big happy family. But when I was done getting my baseball gear off Beck came up to me and said he needed to talk to me and that it was important.

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