Chapter 1: Meet the Twins

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My friend Yammy or @MareepQueen was the one who made me think of this story. So heres a shoutout to her! Read her books there amazing.

BEEP BEEP BEEP BE- I hit my alarm clock so it would turn off and stop being so annoying.

Hello, my name is Mae and yes I do write on napkins they are kind of like my diary you could say. Anyways I don't like talking about my self but my twin sister does Angela. Gosh how are we even sisters. I don't know.

Anyways, it was the first day of school. Yay (not really). School has always been rough for me. Not the classes (hopefully) but the people part. My after school activities list are reading, writing in my diary (napkin), and twice a week I have baseball practice. So not much happens in my life but I like it like that so deal with it.

I look up, my hair is a huge knot but I see my sister already up brushing her hair in the mirror (she is kind of a girly girl). How is her hair always so smooth? Who cares. I yawn and then stretch. My sister sees me yawning and looks at me like, is my sister Godzilla, I clearly am NOT (thank you very much) but I sure looked like it.

She put her hair brush down on her desk that held the mirror and told me to look away. I was like no way sister but I did it anyways. She started applying lipgloss when I turned around to see what she was doing.

"Lipgloss?! Ohh la la," I joked.

My sister glared at me and said "Its none of your business GODZILA!"

Oh no she didn't! I ran out of my bed and grabbed her lipgloss and smeared it all over her face. Ok so maybe that wasn't the best plan but aye its too early to think.

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