Chapter 25: Fun Fest Continued

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Miles is such a jerk. I hate him. I hate Angela. I hate Beck. I even hate Ella. URG!! I'm so mad! I decided to stop being a loser and get out of the bathroom.

I saw Miles next to Angela with his back towards me. Angela looked at me and then she... kissed Miles. Miles didn't even stop her. He let her do it!!

Now I was really mad! I started walking towards Miles when I saw Ella and Beck talking. Then they kissed each other. What the heck is with all this dang kissing!? I marched over to Ella and Beck. "Oh Angela. Umm this is awkward." Beck said. Ella hit him in the shoulder and whispered, "That's not Angela it's Mae," I glared down at them.

"Ella I thought you were my friend! But no you just ditched me. And now your kissing my boyfriend!" I yelled. I looked down at them and they stared dazed and confused at me. "STOP YELLING AT ME! And I didn't know he was our boyfriend. Why didn't you tell me. I have all right to be mad at you!! You have no right to be mad at me, I didn't do ANYTHING!" She yelled back at me. I knew she was going to blow.

I looked at Beck. He just sat there like an idiot. "And as for you Beck. I know you dating Angela. And cheating on Ella. You such a jerk and big ugly jerk! Stay out of my life and one more thing," I kicked his leg.

"Owe!" He cried in pain and rubbed his leg.

Ella looked at Beck then at me. "What kind of friend are you! Beck didn't do anything to you. I didn't do anything to you! You aren't a good friend that's what you are. You are the worst friend and nobody wants to be friends with you!" She yelled. I stared down at her.

"We'll I don't want to be your friend either," I said and left the fun fest. On my way out I took a flyer and crumpled it up in my pocket.

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