Chapter 35: Dress Shopping

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I started walking in then turned around. I gave Miles his phone.

"You may want this," I laughed but it was a fake one. "So are we really going to the dance together?" I asked.

"Yes we really are," Miles said. I blushed and he smiled.

"So see ya tomorrow morning," I said.

"Yeah bright an early," He groaned.

Good thing we didn't have school today otherwise this would have never happened.  I thought as I closed the door.

• • • • • • • • •

I got a text from Ella.

Ella: I'm ready lets to dress shopping. And I have a surprise for you when we get there

Me:Tell me now!!

Ella: Nope

Then my doorbell rang. I run to open it. Its Ella.

"Hey!" I said.

"Hi," she replies.


Ella laughs. "What?" I ask. "It's just the secret I'm gonna tell you," she says. Then my mom walked downstairs.

"Ok girls lets go," she grabs her purse and winter cost (I was already wearing mine) and we leave. We all run to the car because none of us wanted to be in this cold weather for that long.

Once we get to the mall, after running in, mom goes to the food court to read and gives us $150. $150!! I know right. She's crazy to trust us with that much money. We run into the first dress shop we find. I find a purple dress that I really like and Ella finds a green dress. We try them on and we love them! We look at the tag, $150 EACH!

We didn't love them so much anymore. The other dresses in there were.... (How do I say this) ugly with more ugly on top. They had like cheetah patterns on them and zebra. Like who in the right of mind would wear that!

I sigh as I look around because I don't like any of the dresses. There more ugly than the animal print dresses.

"Oh OH OH!" Ella squeals in delight.

"What what what!" I squeal back pretending to be happy.

Ella holds up a dress. "Do you like it?" It was the prettiest dress I've ever seen.

" I love it!" I say. The dress was purple with a silver belt. She ended up buying the dress with silver shoes. In total it was $100. "There's only $50 left! I'm so sorry!" She sobbed. "Its OK there has to be some cool dress that I can buy," I say trying to keep my hopes up.

We look in ever store and there is no dress for $50. We decided to check the first store we went to. The one with the cheetah and zebra print dresses. After searching that store for an hour we found nothing for $50. I walk past the animal print dresses and see a $50 tag on them both. Oh great.

I pick up the zebra dress because it was way better than the cheetah dress. I buy it and sigh. Ella is happy with her dress, me not so much.

"Mae you know the secret I was gonna tell you?" Ella says.

"Yeah what is it!" I nearly scream.

"Beck and I are going to the dance together!!" She says with squeal.

"Oh my gosh yay!!" I say. And we hug.

We drop Ella off and its about 6:00pm.

I go into my room and slump down on my bed. I begin to cry. This is going to be the worst dance ever! Then there's a knock on my door. I wipe away my tears and say come in. Mom walks in and sees me clutching my dress and my face red.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Nothing, I'm fine" I lie.

"Is it the dress?" She asks.

"Yes..." I sob.

"Come with me," She says and takes my arm. I reluctantly get up. We go into the Master's bedroom a.k.a my parents room. Mom opens her closet and pulls out a dress that's dark red, with a thin gold belt.

"Its beautiful mom. Where did you get that from?" I asked. It was beautiful. More beautiful than Ella's dress. It was simply perfect. "From my first dance," She answered. "And I want you to wear it to your first dance."

"Thanks Mom this means the world to me," I say as I run out of the room into my room to hang up the dress. I was so happy. Mom comes in, "You may need this," She says swinging two gold shoes in her fingers. I run up to grab them and hug mom instead. "Thanks for everything," I whisper.

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