Chapter 22: Texting Mae

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I got my books for my first class and I quickly hid my head and my hands in my locker and decided to text Mae with no one seeing. Hey Mae, it's Miles. About before... you should be ashamed of yourself! I like you and then you kiss Beck!  You shattered my heart. You dirty cheater I hate you and no one likes you and I hate you. I reread my message, I mean Miles message and then pressed send and headed to class.

Beck kept looking at me. That's all he did for the whole class. Miles didn't talk to him he was probably mad. When the class ended and we went to our lockers to get our books for our next class, I decided to text Mae. I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!! I HATE YOU!! And just to make sure she knew I added another I HATE YOU!! >:)

Then I headed I class. Same thing Beck stared at me and Miles didn't talk as for Ella she payed attention.

Next class same thing. Class after that same thing.

Then lunch. Beck wasn't there in the beginning neither was Ella kind of weird..

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