Chapter 16: Text Messages

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Angela's POV

Mae was on the computer doing dumb stuff that no one cares about. Somethin' like "Animal Jam" sounds boring! I was so bored. Then my phone vibrated. Umm why is Miles texting me? What a creep. I'm guessing be hates Mae and wants to talk to me like all the guys want. Please I have better things to do. I decided to read his message not cause he was cool enough to text or that I was interested, because I was bored!

Miles: I HATE MAE!

Wow I guess I am really smart.
Me: Umm why

Miles: She kissed Beck. I thought she liked me. Guess not.>:(

Me: sucks

Me again: Wait hold on she kissed who!!

Miles: Beck. Can't you read? Sheesh

Me: You idiot I know who she kissed!

Miles: Then why'd you ask and I ain't no idiot lady you are!

Me: Yes you really are

Miles: Well... Well...

Me: Shut up and let me talk

Miles: Yes Mrs. Montez

(Montez is Mae's and Angela's last name).

Me: So when did she kiss Beck? Did he kiss her or did she kiss him? Are they dating? That's why he blew off the date! ARG!

Miles: Stop with all the questions!

Me: Answer them then.

Miles: Yes, Mrs. Montez

Miles again: I don't know I wasn't close enough. But probably Mae kissed him cause why would any boy kiss Mae. I mean Mae's amazing just no boy deserves her. I mean I wasn't close enough!

Me: You like Mae!!! OMG you do it's so obvious!

Miles: I don't. Ok maybe I do but DONT TELL HER OR I WILL HURT YOU!

Me: U can't hurt a puppy. Ur too nice

Miles: I can so! Ok fine but please don't I will do very bad things that I CAN do!

Me: Mmmk

Something fell out of my pocket, the napkin. THATS IT! I can blackmail Mae! She messed with my man I'll mess with hers. Wait why just her man when I can mess up her life! Mae watch out I'm coming!
Me: Gtg Miles

Miles: What does that mean? Gtg?

I shut off my phone, hid the note and got ready to go to sleep.

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