Chapter 26

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Damon scowled from the house door way, patiently waiting for you to wear your shoes as his blank eyes glared at Mizuki from outside the door.

You watched Damon's expression with a small smile while finally wearing the shoes.

"I guess we'll be going now" you informed the two sibilings turning towards them.

"Come back anytime Y/n" Mizuki exclaimed weaving his right hand lazily from behind his sister.

"Yep, please come again any time Y/n " She chimed after her brother grasping your hands.

"Hmm okay" you hummed,nodding in response even though you knew that was very unlikely.

"Oh I almost forgot please wait here for a second Y/n " Tere stammered hurriedly walking outside towards Damon leaving you with her brother as she closed the door behind her.

Did she just lock the door from outside? Mizuki and you looked at eachother in confusion, both of you having the same sweatdroped expression.

Damon got suprised seeing Tere come outside while locking the door behind her.

"What are yo-" his question got cut off since Tere hurriedly spoke cutting him off.

"You know I thought you liked me so it wouldn't matter but now that you've finally admitted you liked Y/n, I can only help you with this " Tere huffed quietly and quickly saying it in one breath causing Damon to quickly freeze looking at her with interest.

"Go on" Damon ordered, his voice impatient while he urged her to continue.

With a sharp inhale, Tere quickly whispered " There are Rumours that Y/n liked you since childhood but you were always oblivious to it so she was living in a sad one sided love for you."

Quickly inhaling once more Tere added more slowly this time,her voice soft " that's why she always joins the student council to be with you"

Damon was shocked,eyes widening slightly. He always thought you joined the student council to have a better remark on your certificate at least that was what you told him, he didn't think it could be because of that and there were rumors like that going around school? How come he never heard it?

A lots of questions passed through his mind as he let Teres words finally dawn on him.
"So there were rumors like that" He finally said breaking the silence,hands reaching up to brush his hair.

Tere nodded looking at Damon, watching a hazard of emotions grip Damon as his arura seem to change like a tornado.

"Damon, all I can say for now is " She paused looking away from his figure and gripping the door handle lightly.

"Go get her" flashing Damon one last cheerful smile, Tere opened the door again.

As the door opened letting sunlight seep into the house, Misuki slowly freed your arm from his tight grip ,slowly hiding his right hand behind his back , placing his usual bright smile on his lips again.

No words left Mizuki's fake smile as he watched your dull blank face watching his figure slowly turn around to greet his sister, he didn't know why but he actually felt a sense of relief and anguish fill him as your sharp observant eyes finally no longer lingered on his form.

Walking beside Damon,you turned around giving Tere a sweet smile and wave before she finally closed the door to the house.

"Y/n, let's go to my house " Damon's voice snapped you back from gazing at the house.

"Huh okay" you nodded,turning your head back to Damon.

Tilling your head slightly with questioning eyes, Damon would only ever invite you over to his house during special occasions ever since that incident during your childhood so you couldn't help but ask
"So what's the special occasion?"

Inside the house Mizuki quitely started making dinner even though it was to early for it making his sister glance at him with worry.

"What's wrong big brother?" Tere asked watching her brother stay silent for too long.

"Its nothing, it's nothing " Mizuki laughed it off,giving her a sweet smile before turning back to his ingredients and humming. The words you had spoken to him still replaying in his mind like a broken record.

" You act fake just because of your superiority complex no? "

" how saddening it must be for you to think the world is only resolving around you, when really it isn't "

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