(21) I Love You

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Leann POV

After a few minutes I made my way down stairs and started to toast some bread. Damn I was hungry! That is until I turned around and almost had a heart attack. 

"Kkkyle I...." Shit this was so horrible and I had know idea how to do anything as a wolf...

"Even your fucking voice is different!" I didn't know what to expect next, but he surprised me, and here I thought he loved me. He stalked up to me grabbed a huge chunk of my hair and threw me across the room. I hit the glass wall with a thud expecting to feel a huge rush of pain fallowed by loads of blood. But only a slight amount of pain came and no blood. How was that even possible!

"What does our almighty Luna feel no pain now? Is that what it is or do you just think that you are to tough to show me pain? At least give me that satisfaction of seeing you cry, come on babe let out a scream! Just one, it will make this so much easier on you!" As he stalked over to me I could feel the scream rising in my throat. This new Kyle was scaring the shit out of me! I couldn't scream, I just couldn't. I would not give him that satisfaction!

"Kyle please just stop. Please Kyle please!" He stopped in front of me and held an evil smile. His eyes blacker than the night sky itself.

"Who do you think you are? Leann you were my fucking mate first! Fuck! How did this even happen humans can't turn into wolves anymore. What the fuck did he do to you?" I was pretty sure there was not reasoning with him anymore but I had to at least try.

"Kyle listen..."

"Shut the fuck up... Just shut the fuck up Leann! How could you do this to me? I gave you everything! I told you I loved you and I made you feel special and this is how you repay be? By becoming Liam's bitch?" I had forgot that everyone had stayed over last night. Apparently so had Kyle because he froze when we both herd the pack pouring down the stairs. Thank god!

"Kyle get the fuck away from her!" He used his full alpha voice an authority and it scared me a little bit. 'Leann why didn't you just mind link me and let me know he was here and you were in trouble?'

'I don't know maybe because I have no freaking idea how to do anything!!! Now get me out of this situation please!'

"Kyle what do you want? Anything you want it's yours just not Leann, she means everything to me. Kyle please please don't hurt her. I swear whatever you want its yours."

"So Liam you think it's ok just to take what doesn't belong to you? Well how would you feel..." He brought me around him so that I was facing everyone. "If I were just to bite our little mate here on the other side?" Everyone tried to make a move to stop him. " Take another step and ill bite her! Fuck I'll bite her so hard there will be no way that she lives though it. Do you want that Liam? What about everyone else would they like to lose their new Luna? No? Then back the fuck up and let me out the door. Don't worry Liam I promise not to hurt her too bad."

Shit this was so bad. Kyle was pissed and I knew that if he got me out that door I was as good as dead. But I wouldn't let Liam worry about me. He had enough on his plate without having to worry about trying to keep Kyle from taking me. "Liam he is right just let us out the door I will be fine. Don't worry about me really it's fine."

"Seems to me like someone's lovable mate doesn't seem to love you back, if she is willing to go off with her what? Her ex mate? Great Luna you turned out to be Leann. Ha well alright you heard the girl let us through."

"Over my dead body Kyle. Let go of my mate, before I have to rip off your fucking head and trust me I will do it. If you think that I will spare you just because you are like a brother to me you are so fucking wrong."

"Liam! Hey buddy I wouldn't be talking like that to the guy that controls the fate of the your pathetic excuse for a mate...you know what? Fuck it!" He brought his mouth down to the other side of my neck and before anyone could react he bit down as hard as he could.

There was so much pain that I could feel myself loosing consciousness. I heard someone scream and I wanted to know what their problem was! I was the one with some crazy guy still biting me. I tried to look around through my already dropping eyes for who was the one screaming, until I realized the terrible noise was coming from me. I tried to stop screaming but the pain was worse then when Liam had turned me into a wolf.

This time I knew I was going to die. There was no way someone could survive this twice. As I was about to black out I felt Kyle be torn away from me. And my skin and muscle went with him, I guess now I just had a huge hole on my neck. A hole that I would bleed out from. A hole that would be the end of me. I looked around one last time trying to find Liam, and all of a sudden he was there. He was screaming orders at people and trying to stop the bleeding from my neck.

"You fucking listen to me Leann! I am not going to do this again! You are going to be okay do you hear me!" He was still in alpha mode almost like he was commanding me to do these things. " Please baby you have to be okay. Leann listen to me! Please push through this! I cant go on without you sweetheart." The alpha tone was gone and he was now sobbing.

I tried to say something. Truthfully, I didn't even care what came out of my mouth just as long as it was something other than a scream. But since I physically couldn't tell him I loved him too, I tried to at least look him in the eyes. But my own eyes were to heavy and I couldn't even find the strength to open them. It seemed like all of my strength was bleeding out with the blood from my wound. I was going to die and I knew he knew that as well. With everything I had left in me I found his hand and squeezed it as hard as I could possibly manage. "Baby don't you give up on me! Leann you are going to live though this do you understand me!?"

"Someone better have called the fucking pack doctor! Where is he!" Liam was crying and trying to stay strong at the same time and it just wasn't working. I felt my life slowly leaving my body and it was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. This was it my last and final moments on God's green earth. I hadn't had the best run at the beginning but I was really starting to like it here at the end. 'Liam, I love you' And then I was gone, that was it. Everything I ever wished to accomplish in life I couldn't all because of one stupid bite.

Liam POV

I felt the life drain out of the girl I loved. And when I thought she was gone I got one last thought from her. 'Liam, I love you.' That's all I got. All I got from the girl I should have got to spend the rest of my life with. A simple I love you and she was gone, out of my life forever, never coming back. And it was all because of fucking Kyle!

I kissed her one last time on the forehead then got up slowly and turned to Harrison and Zac who were holding an unconscious murderer. All I wanted to do was kill him, and I was going too. It wasn't going to be a quick death though...oh no I was going to make that son of a bitch pay for what he had done. I looked back at Leann who now had the pack doctor crouched over her. Kyle was going to pay for what he did and if anyone had a problem with it they could take it up with me because he was going down.

Alright no one hate me I have a plan alrighty? Sorry it took so long but I just wasn't satisfied with anything I wrote for so long. Truthfully I'm still not even close to satisfied with this chapter but like I said I now have a plan lol.

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