(2) His First Reaction

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Liam POV 

We had a boarder breach ten minutes out of town. I hadn't planned on being gone long but I cut my trip even shorter as soon as I caught the smell. I was racing home before I even knew what I was doing. It was like my feet were working faster than my mind. It was the sweetest smell I had ever smelled before in my life. The sent was so strong that I could smell it at my house from over ten miles away, even for a werewolf nose that was stretching it. I knew that as the Alpha of this pack I was the one that needed to investigate the mouth watering scent. It could be a trick and it could mean danger.

I ripped open the door and was hit with a wall of vanilla and roses. It took my breath away as it literately surrounded me. I instantly loved the smell and had no idea how I had made it through my whole life without ever having smelled this aroma. I needed it more than I needed air. I never wanted to go another day in my life without smelling this smell.

I was so fascinated by it that I missed everything my mother was trying to tell me. The only thing I could focus on was the smell and trying to figure out where it was coming from. Again my feet started to move before I did and I found myself upstairs standing in front of my bedroom door. Vanilla was overflowing from the inside of my room like a volcano. 

I should have been prepared for anything once I opened that door. An Alpha was supposed to be prepared for anything and I was only prepared to devour the smell. I could have been ambushed or killed at that very moment because I had been so off guard, but I didn't care. I was surprised to find a petite brunette standing in my room. If this was some sort of gift from the boys then they had really outdone themselves. I caught her opening up a door and letting out a sigh when she hadn't found what she was looking for. I wanted to be what she was looking for. "What are you doing?"

"What?" Instantly my world had changed forever. Her voice was like music to my ears and I would have given anything to hear her say something else. She was absolutely stunning and I wanted her more than anything else in the world. She was so short and had the prettiest brown eyes. Her hair ran down her back in waterfalls and I caught myself wanting to touch it. No, I wanted to touch her. I wanted to make sure she was real. There was no way something so beautiful was in Willa, let alone my bedroom. 

"Mine." I was surprised I had said it out loud. I should have known it was her from the moment I had smelled the vanilla. I just wanted to be with her for the rest of my life but my inner wolf was on guard. He didn't want her, he thought she was a threat. I crouched down in a defensive position, ready for her to attack. She didn't look scared of ready to fight, she looked genuinely confused. Even if she wasn't a threat she should have known we were mates.

I took one last look at her before I turned around and closed the door. That was not how it was supposed to go. Finding your mate was supposed to be a joyous thing you both wanted, but she obviously did not want me."Mom and Dad. Where are you?" I said it without yelling, werewolves have incredibly good hearing. I could hear my mother's soft chuckle and my father let out a loud sigh.

"We are both downstairs sweetheart." I could tell she was nervous. I wished they would have told me that she was going to be here. I would have cleaned up a little bit and would have sent Kyle out to check the perimeter. 

I all but ran downstairs as I awaited their explanation. There was no way for them to have known she was my mate but that didn't stop me from blaming them for not telling me she was coming. I slid into one of the tall chairs at the counter and waited eagerly. "You guys defiantly have some explaining to do."

"I guess you already meet her. But um, that is Leann Smith. She will be staying with us for awhile and I want you to make her feel welcome." My mate was going to be staying in the same house as me for awhile? Not only was she here, today, in my room, but I got to keep her.

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