(25) Was I Ready For This

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Liam POV

She was a awake....those words repeatedly made there way through my mind. She was finally awake! After over two months her wolf had finally healed her enough to come back to me. I don't think I had ever run so fast in my life until that day. I couldn't believe that after all that waiting she was finally awake.

I ran up the stairs two at a time. The door was already partially open and if I wasn't careful I would rip it of it's hinges with excitement. She was laying there with her beautiful blue eyes staring at the door, waiting. A small smile made its way across her lips as I entered the room. I had missed her so much it was almost ridiculous.

"Hey don't cry, I'm okay." I didn't even realize I had been crying, but it was just like her to try and comfort me while she was the one that needed comforting. I stood in the doorway unsure of what to do. What if she didn't want me anymore? What if she had asked me to come her to tell me that she had to be with Kyle, Fucking Kyle! Why did he have to be her mate as well?

"Hey Leann..." Her smile quickly faded away as if to prove me correct. If she wanted Kyle then I would let her go. It wouldn't be easy but I would do whatever she needed me too. I would be whatever she needed me to be, even if that included just being a friend.

I preceded to her bed with caution. If she wanted Kyle than she wouldn't really want me anywhere near her, she would want her mate. "I can go get him for you sweetheart, don't worry I kept him alive."

She looked confused and scared. I just wanted to hear her voice again even if it were to tell me she didn't want me. I still wanted her in everyway physically possible, it was just almost unbelievable to me that she was actually awake and talking to me. "L-liam, what are you talking about?"

I could hear the hurt and shock in her quiet and meek voice. How much pain was she still in? "Leann I know that you need him, that's why I kept him around. Don't worry I can go get him for you, it will only take a few minutes."

She let out a small scream and it broke my heart. Was my being here really hurting her that much? "Liam you cant...you cant break your promise anymore." The pain in her eyes hit me deep, how could she hate me so much?

"What promise? Leann whatever it was I promise you I wont break it ever again, I love you sweetie." Why had I said that? I knew she no longer felt the same way about me, it was obvious by her facial expression.

"You promised me you wouldn't let your beta hurt me. Liam you lied." I hated this, I hated that we were having a small meaningless conversation. I just wanted her here, wrapped in my arms telling me that she loved me back. But she wasn't, and I could feel my heart breaking because of it. I felt like she was rejecting me in every way possible. Was she?

"Baby I didn't mean to lie, I didn't mean to let it happen. I kills me everyday knowing that I was the reason that you were laying here motionless for over two months. It killed me to know that I was the reason you were in pain. But you know what kills me most? Knowing that I no longer have you, he does. I know that you want him, that you love him, that right now he is what you need. And Leann even though I love you I will say it again, I am willing to let you go it that is what you want."

"Liam come here, you're so dumb." Dumb? What was she talking about? Had she gone crazy? I wasn't going to have to be told twice though, I basically ran to her side. She was so beautiful up close, I couldn't believe that her eyes were finally open. Every time she closed them, I was a little bit scared that they wouldn't reopen.

"Liam what are you talking about? If you dare bring that piece of trash anywhere near me ill kill him myself. Liam I love you and only you. How could you even think that after all that we have been through I would still pick him over you. Why did you keep him alive? Does he mean more to you than I do?" I just wanted to hit something, she was in so much pain and she thought that my friendship with Kyle meant more to me than she did. And she thought I was the dumb one....

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