Chapter 1

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Coming back home from school was amazing. I was so drained out of energy, I could barely keep my eyes open.

"Mom! Dad!" I called out while placing my backpack onto the counter

I sighed and walked to the fridge to pour myself water to drink.

I wonder why there are not answering.

After i was done drinking the water I went upstairs to my parents bedroom.

"Mom." I said while knocking onto the door

After awhile of knocking and no response, I opened the door slowly, hoping I wouldn't catch them doing something I wouldn't want to see.

"Dad." I said while fully opening the door.

Once I had a clear view of the room I saw my parents sleeping. I was about to gag when I saw their clothes and everything on the floor, reminding me that sleeping wasn't the only thing they did.

I dashed out of the room and closed the door before one of them could wake up and find me there.

Jeez, at least they could have placed a warning sign on the door.

I shook my head before heading to my room.

My phone ranged as I stood in front of my body mirror, thinking about my insecurities. I sighed and took it out of my pocket and answered without checking the caller ID.

"Hey, you still coming over?" The familiar voice asked

"I can't." I said"You know how my parents are."

The person on the other side sighed and said" Then sneak out,I'm sure they won't notice a thing."

It wouldn't hurt just to sneak out for once, right.

"Okay." I said

"I will fetch you." He said" Love you babe."


Before I could finish the call hanged up. I hate it when he does that.

Does he even like or love me?

I ruffled my hair in annoyance before leaving my room and sneaking out.

"I missed you." He said while his hands grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him

"I missed you too." I said before his lips connected to mine

His lips moved aggressively onto mine while his right hand went in my shirt. I shivered from the coldness of his fingers. Suddenly I felt his fingers trying to get in my bra and I pushed him away from me.

"Why did you do that!" He yelled at me and I flinched

" were about to put your hand inside my bra."I said and he scoffed

"So that's why you pushed me away." He said"It's not like I was unbuttoning your pants or you want me to touch you down there instead."

I clenched my hands into a fist.

"Let's break up." I said

He frowned his eyebrows and chuckled, freaking me out.

"So it's true what they say about you." He said"I was hoping they were wrong but now since I have seen it. No wonder no one won the bet."

Bet...what bet.

"You don't know." He said while smirking and I clenched my jaw" There was a bet, whoever could get in your pants would become the new captain for the football team."

I felt my heart ache.

I can't believe I liked him.

"You accepted the bet?" I asked as I approached him

He placed his hands into his pockets as he nodded his head.

Once I was close to him I held his collar, bringing his face down to my level. I bit my lips as he licked his but I wasn't going to give him what he wanted.

Surprising him, I kicked him where the sun doesn't shine. He groaned and held his private part as he fall onto his knees.

"Don't ever talk to me or even look at me nor breathe the same air as me." I said with no emotions written on my face

After that I felt him and went back home.

The house was awfully quiet.

Why weren't they up yet.

It was passed 9 and I was getting ready to sleep but my parents didn't wake up since I came back from school.

I went to their room to wake them up because they hate it when everything doesn't go their way.

"Mom." I called out as I stepped into their room and walked towards them

I shook her body but to no response.

"Mom, dad ate your salad." I said hoping she would wake up because she hated it when my dad ate her salad

But still no response.

Suddenly my hand slipped and I felt something wet and cold.

I immediately pulled my hand out and I felt my heart dropped when I saw a red liquid on my fingers.

It can't be blood.

She probably got her period and they were trying out for a baby...right.

I freaked out when I saw by my dad's side. Blood was dripping from his fingers and I screamed.

How didn't I noticed this.

My legs trembled as I tried to call the police with my mom's phone. With my shaking hands I called the police and while I was dialing the number I didn't notice I was crying until my vision blurred and the person from the other side of the phone answered.

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