chapter 25

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"How the hell does she know!" Alex yelled

"I thought we were going to keep her away from trouble." Derek said

"Yeah, didn't we agree to this." Miche added

Their mother sighed, thinking about how they would act when they find out about Osvaldo.

She shook her head and said," We had too. We couldn't keep her in the dark for too long and she wanted answers."

"I just hope she won't do anything crazy." Said Alex," And why is she still not home?"

"She told me that she's with her friends." Derek said

Meanwhile Summer's cheeks were painted red as she sat between Draco's thighs.

He had his arms around her waist while his chin rested on top of her head.

" sure you aren't using me to make someone jealous?" She asked

"No. Why would you think that?" He asked

"Because." She said," You only want me now when...the new girl arrived."

"Which new girl?" He asked," The last time I remember someone new it was you."

Summer bit her lips, thinking about how dumb the question was.

"Hey, don't worry." He said," I will never treat you like that."

She bit her lip and confessed," I throw your leather jacket in the bin."

She felt his hands around her tighten before she heard him let out a genuine laugh.

One she was trying to get used to,but every time she heard him laugh. She felt the butterflies in her stomach erupt.

"Then I hope you won't throw away my hoodie that you are wearing." He said

She bit her lips and blushed.

"Why are you home late?" Alex asked," again."

"I was with my friends." She said

"That doesn't make you safe, you know it's dangerous out there, especially since you know about the family business." He explained

"I know, I know but I'm safe and careful." She said

He sighed and said," Do you know how cruel people like us can be, you can be with your friends but do you think you could all take down people who have been in the mafia for their whole lives."

Summer looked down and said," Okay, I won't come home late again."

Alex shook his head and said," That's not the point. Just go to your room."

The next day Summer sat on the stool while she ate her breakfast.

She groaned remembering that she still has to see the new girl.

"Uhm,I would change back into normal clothes if I were you because we aren't going to school today." Ricky said

"What? Why?" She asked him

"Emergency happened." He said

"What kind of emergency?" She asked

"A family kind of emergency." He answered

She shrugged her shoulders and said,"At least I don't have to go to school."

She got off the stool and headed upstairs. Once she was upstairs she heard her brothers complaining.

So she decided to know why they were complaining.

"It's not safe anymore." Miche said," I think we have to move her to our hideout for awhile until everything is sorted."

"Knowing Summer,I think she won't stay still." Derek said

"She has to or she might find a bullet between her eyes!" Alex yelled

Summer felt her heart beat increase.

Who wants to kill me?

"Calm down Alex, I'm sure she will be safe either way." Derek said," After all she has Osvaldo."

"What!" The three of her brothers yelled except for Derek

"Since when?" Billy asked

"I don't know." Derek said," Just found out."

"That's why she's always late." Alex said in realisation

Summer bit her lip and walked away from the scene.

Hoping Alex wouldn't break down her door or any of her brothers.

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