Chapter 6

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Waking up in fact proved that yesterday wasn't a nightmare nor a dream.

I woke up in the same light blue room which was my new room. I sighed and closed my eyes.

Then I thought back to what Derek had said. Maybe I can give them a chance. Why not, after all they gave me a chance by taking me back.

Probably won't be so bad.

I opened my eyes and sat up.

Yawning away the tiredness but I regretted it.

Morning breath was never my favorite. I quickly stood up and went to my luggage to get my toothbrush but once I got into the bathroom, there was already a toothbrush. A new on in fact.

I ignored it and used my old one.

"Good morning." Derek greeted as he entered the living room

"Morning."I greeted back

He sat on the couch and yawned.

"How was your sleep last night?" He asked while turning on the television

"It was fine." I answered back

He hummed in response and asked " Wanna go to the beach later on?"

"Thanks but no, I don't really like swimming." I said and he frowned

"How can you not like swimming?" He asked

I shrugged my shoulders and turned to the television.

What can I say.

I like swimming but at the same time I don't.

I hate the after feeling of getting out the water. Sometimes I would have red eyes and my hair would be super dry.

I shook the thoughts away when I heard foot steps coming this way.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder causing me to almost let out a scream.

"R-Ricky." I stuttered

He smiled at me and asked" Wanna do some tiktok videos with me?"

I was about to answer but Derek cut me out.

"Don't, if you want to keep being sane." He said

"What!" Ricky yelled" Don't believe him, I'm sure you still going to be sane."

Derek scoffed and said" Because of you my friend won't stop talking about tiktok."

Ricky rolled his eyes and looked at me, waiting for me to give him a answer.

"Maybe later?" I said not sounding so sure about my answer

He nodded his head and went back upstairs.

I yawned and stood up from the couch.

"You going back to sleep?" Derek asked and I nodded my head

I have no idea why it's so easy to talk with Derek.

Maybe because we are twins.

I shrugged my shoulders and went back to my room. Once I got to my room I found Mrs Black sitting on the bed aka my real mom.

Once she saw me she smiled at me and I gave her a small smile. She patted the space next to her, gesturing me to sit there and I did.

She sighed and said" I'm sorry your father couldn't make it."

"It's fine,it's not like he knew I was going to come." I said and her expression sadden

"It's not that, it was just sudden news." She said

I looked at my hands and nodded my head.

"I'm sorry." She said" I should have let you sleep in my room that night."

I looked at her and raised my eyebrows.

What does she mean by that. I have never seen her since now so why is she saying that.

"What do you mean?" I asked

She was about to say something but someone had interrupted us.

"Mom." Alex said while he stood in front of the door

She looked at him then at me then sighed.

"Looks like I'm needed somewhere else." She said while standing up

Once she left Alex glared at me and I looked down.

And here I thought I could at least change things.

"Stop asking questions. There will be answered when we feel like it." He said with his emotionless expression

Then he left, without closing the door.

What did I do wrong? I just came here not knowing I had a family who lived perfectly.

So why do they get to keep me in the dark if I know nothing about them.

I sighed and stood up, walking to the bathroom to get a shower.

"Is it hot?" Derek asked while I sat on the sand, helping a random kid build a sandcastle

I shook my head and said" Not really."

"Okay, I'm gonna go that side so if you need me you can call me." He said and I nodded my head

He left and suddenly a ball hit the sandcastle causing me to almost let out a curse.

I looked at the kid to see him with tearly eyes.

"Shhh, don't cry I'm sure we can make a digger one." I said and he sniffed

I smiled at him and he rubbed his eyes.

"Emma." The boy said as he looked behind me

"There you are." A girl-like voice said causing me to turn around"Thank you for looking after him, I haven't seen you before are you new?"

"Yes, just got here yesterday." I said" and I'm Summer."

"Emma." She said" Emma Lockwood." She said proudly as if her surname was important or maybe she was someone important

When she got no reaction out of me her smile dropped.

" So you really are not from around here." She said

"H-how do you know?" I asked

" It's your accent." She said" You lived in London before?"

I nodded my head in response.

"Anyways, I have to go now, family needs me." She said while holding her younger brother's hand

"It was nice knowing you maybe we can hangout." She said

"That would be nice, we can meet here again tommorow." I said and she nodded her head

I watched her walk away and I sighed.

At least I made my first friend.

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