chapter 26

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" Summer listen. We will be back just stay here." Miche said," Don't worry,you won't be alone."

"But can't I stay with you guys?" She asked," Why do I need to be hidden?"

Miche turned to Billy then sighed.

"No one will be home for the next few days so we need you to be somewhere safe." He said

"Can't I go wherever you guys are going?" She asked," Is it because someone wants to kill me."

Miche clenched his jaw and asked,"Where did you hear that from?"

"Is that it." She said, ignoring the question," How is me being here going to stop anyone?"

"Summer just co-operative with us and stay here." Miche said, getting annoyed

"We don't have time." Billy said while tapping his foot

Summer sighed and said," But I do not know these people. What if I'm not as safe here as you think I will be?"

Miche ruffled her hair and said," You're thinking to much, don't worry they are good people."

Summer sighed and laid her back onto the wall.

"You look troubled." A girl around her age said," Are you already homesick?"

Summer shook her head in response.

She missed Draco and she didn't want to know what Sojin would do since she wasn't going to school.

But she was sure Draco won't cheat on her.

"Is it boy problems?" The girl asked

Summer breathed out and answered," Yeah."

"Come on, brighten up." She said

"I just want to sleep Emma." Summer said

Emma sighed and said," Okay, I see. So you don't miss the friend you met at Miami."

"To be honest, I kind of forgot about you." Summer said

Emma dramatically gasped and said," How could you,I'm kind of a family friend of yours."

Summer shrugged her shoulders and said," Nobody mentioned anything about you so..."

Emma shook her head and walked away in disappointment.

"How is this safe again?" She asked no one in particular

Emma giggled and waved the weapon in her hand.

"This is basic self-defence." She said

Summer tilted her head and raised her eyebrows.

Then she shook her head and crossed her arms.

"If you are a child of a Mafia you have to learn how to use weapons." Emma said," And why don't you know how to? Do you know how many people out there are out to get you, especially when you are part of the Blacks."

Summer sighed and said," It's not like I knew about the mafia and stuff, before all this, I was just your average teenage girl."

"And now your life has meaning." Emma said

Summer bit her lips and nodded her head.

She don't deny it after all. Her life before was pretty much normal and boring.

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