chapter 14

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"So do you like anyone?" Scarlett asked Summer out of the blue, catching her off guard

"N-no." Summer responded then she remembered Mr electric-blue eyes who seemed to catch her interest but she did find they first time meeting werid

"You sure?" Scarlett asked while smiling at her

Summer shook her head then Scarlett left it at that.

Anyways, she couldn't think of dating anyone at this point and plus she wasn't that interested ever since she found out about what her old school planned to do with her.

She shook her head and listened to the conversation that Scarlett and Emily had.

"Look, I'm sure we can get our first gig if we go to your boyfriend." Emily suggested," He knows what his doing."

"But I don't want to bother him." Scarlett sighed

"But didn't he say that he was going to help us out if you ever decided to follow the same path?" Emily asked

"But you know how he is like." Scarlett said

Emily sighed and Summer sat there awkwardly listening to their conversation.

While walking to the library to find some information for a history assignment. She bumped into Mr electric-blue eyes.

Turning to the first corner she saw that led to the library,she accidentally hit a wall until she looked up.

The first thing she saw was his electric-blue eyes that seemed to keep on drawing her in.

She could sense that he was dangerous.

Someone who she would avoid back in her old school but there was something off about him.

Something different, maybe she just wanted to know what he was doing with Alex.

"Hey, can u move?" He asked her, snapping her out of her thoughts

She shook her head and stepped  aside.

"S-sorry." She apologized

Before he walked away,he gave her one last glance and continued on walking to where ever he was heading to.

She sighed as she stared at his back then turned around to continue on doing what she was doing.

Summer sat in her maths class in boredom.

She looked at her book and sighed. She had already learnt everything from her late mother.

Her late mother basically wanted her to be someone, her late mother failed to be.

But she was helpful. At least she doesn't have to complain about not understanding.

"Hey." A voice whispered then something poked her with a pen

She turned around and saw a boy with glasses.

He gave her a shy smile as she examined him.

He had dark freckles across his nose, then green eyes that reminded her of a jade then soft dark brown curls, hanging loose over all his head, down to his forehead.

He had the innocent boy look and he was attractive.

"Yeah." She said, snapping out of her thoughts

"Can you please pass that to me, dropped it by accident?" He asked while pointing at the pencil right next to her shoe

She smiled awkwardly before handing the pencil to him.

"Thank you." He said

"No problem." She said then turned around

Going back to what she was doing.

✿•°Summer°•✿ Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant