chapter 5

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"This is the skate park, most of the teenagers hangout here." Derek said and I nodded

I looked around the park and he was right after all. There was barely any adults around here.

If my parents were still alive they would never let me hangout here.

I sighed and kicked a small rock.

"Looks like everyone is home." He said and I turned to him to find him staring at his phone"We can continue this later." He slid his phone into his pocket and smiled at me

I got frightened when I walked into the house and a woman who looked like she was in her mid 30s ran up to me and embraced me into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry." She said and I awkwardly hugged her back

"Mom,I think you are suffocating her." One of the boys in the room said

"Oh,sorry I...I just miss you." She said while pulling away from the embrace and resting her hand onto my shoulder"Where have you been?"

One of the boys placed their hand onto her shoulder, shaking their head and she sighed.

"What about we go and sit down first." Derek said and the rest agreed

The woman their call mother sat next to me and I couldn't help but to feel uncomfortable.

I know she was supposed to be my mother but in my eyes I couldn't see it.

I awkwardly shifted.

"So,why don't we first introduce ourselves." One of them said who looked older than the rest of the boys

"I'm Michelle but you can call me Miche. I'm the eldest, 24 years old." He said

"Billy,21." Billy said and received a smack from Miche.

He hissed and glared at me as if I didn't something wrong.

"I'm Alex and I'm 19." Alex said and gave me a small smile that looked force

"And I'm Ricky,18. I hope I become your favorite." He said and I gave him a small smile

"You know me already and guess what, we are twins which I'm your favorite already,right." Derek said and I grinned

After all he was the only one who treated me nice.

The woman next to me held my hand and said"Your father isn't gonna be here, you will see him when we return back home."

I nodded my head in response.

I nervously played with my fingers and asked"Why...did you decide to take me after all those years?"

They all looked at each other as if they were talking with thier eyes and I sat there waiting for them to answer.

Billy rolled his eyes and said"We didn't know you were still alive." And that kinda hurt me.

"Billy!" The woman next to me yelled at him

Wow, this even made me way too uncomfortable than I was already.

"Do you know where my room is?"I asked Derek"I'm kinda jetlagged."

I wasn't, I was just trying to find a way out of this.

Out of all of this.

Maybe if I go sleep I will wake up back to my old life and this was all a dream.

A nightmare in fact.

Derek led me to my room and I thanked him but before I could do in he said" Give everyone a chance,I'm sure there's more to it then meets the eye." Then he walked away leaving me stuck in my thoughts.

Sorry for the super short chapter...

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