chapter 9

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Summer sat down in her new room and laid onto the bed.

Sighing she quickly got up and walked to the window when she heard something.

Her eyebrows knitted in confusion when she saw a boy wearing all black from head to toe.

She looked around for anyone she knew and she saw Alex walking up to him. As Alex approached the boy he suddenly looked up and Summer was met with the most electric-blue eyes she has ever seen.

She quickly moved away from the window and laid onto her bed.

Who was that!?

Later that day Summer stayed in her room thinking of what to do. She couldn't just walk around especially if Mr and Mrs Black were home.

She sure knew that they were giving her space but for how long.

She sighed and suddenly walked to the window seat.

Laying her head on the pillow to relax.

Suddenly someone knocked onto her bedroom door causing her to get startled.

"C-come in." She stuttered

The door slowly opened traveling Mr Black her father.

She stared at him blankly and he gave her a small smile.

"The boys are planning on having a movie night so I was wondering if you wanted to go join them?" He asked

She thought about it and accepted it since she had nothing to do than stare at the window.

"Who invited her?" Alex asked while pointing the remote at Summer

"Dad did." Ricky answered earning a glare from Alex

Ignoring Alex, Derek helped Summer find a place to sit down and it so happened to be right next to Alex.

Alex sighed and yelled," Billy hurry up with the snacks!"

"Quiet down." Derek said

Without a fight Alex kept quiet and waited for Billy to arrive then started the movie.

Summer tried to watch the movie but it seemed that her new found brothers have a weird taste in movies.

Suddenly she felt her head grow heavier by the minute and so as her eyes as she tried to keep them open.

Giving up on fighting her tiredness, she laid her head onto something soft and closed her eyes.

"Shhh, don't wake her up." Derek said sounding annoyed

"Her head is heavy." Alex said

"It's not my fault you're weak." Derek said

"Who said I was weak, just so you know, her head is so damn heavy. Probably all the nonsense in there." Alex fired back

Suddenly Summer groaned causing Alex to poke her cheek.

"Wake up." He said

Suddenly Billy smacked the back of his head.

"If she wakes up, I will tell mom that you still hangout with that boy." Billy threatened

Alex's eyes widened and he clenched his teeth.

"Now if you excuse me, I'm taking her to her room." Derek said ignoring the look that was formed onto Alex's face

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