chapter 18

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When she got home that night Alex was angry at her outfit. She had not told anyone about the events that happened that night.

She laid on her bed, on her side.

She could still smell him. Who was she kidding. He had placed his leather jacket around her shoulders saying that he didn't want to disappoint anyone with her none existence breasts.

She still had no idea why she didn't want to leave him alone.

She never felt anything for boy like she had for him.

Sure in her old school she fell for one boy but he ended up as a jerk.

But yet she knew Mr electric-blue eyes didn't like her or her family, but why?

What did they do to him, to make him hate her.

Before she drifted off to sleep, she reminded herself to ask Ms Black about him. Since Ms Black had warned her about him.

She must know something.

And most of all she should ask how she was separated from them.

She never thought of it but she was sure, losing your own child wasn't a mistake.

"Oh, look who the cat dragged in." Alex said

"Don't start Alex." Miche warned while making coffee

"Yeah, leave our sister alone." Ricky said

Alex rolled his eyes and his eyes narrowed at her neck.

"What the f***." He said while standing and tilting her head to the side, grabbing everyone's attention

"Who the f*** touched you?" He asked

She slapped his hand away and said," N-no one, why do you even care."

"Summer." Miche warned

She sighed and said," I'm heading to school."

"No." Alex said," you not going anywhere until you tell me who done this." He pointed at her neck

Thinking about the incident, caused her heart beat to quicken.

She inhaled before telling them everything except for who saved her.

Miche got angry at Alex for not looking after her since he was the oldest at the time.

Bumping into Mr electric-blue eyes as usual like pretty much any other normal day.

He somewhat got angry when he saw her then took her to the nurse and covered the marks on her neck with a plaster.

Then left as if nothing happened.

School was normal but she didn't find any of her two friends around.

After school, while walking in the hallway she saw Mr electric-blue eyes.

I never got his name.

While walking towards him she was suddenly pushed aside by a blonde girl.

The blonde wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

He squeezed her butt and kissed back.

She looked away, not wanting to see the sight in front of her anymore.

She felt her heart ache but she ignored it.

Walking to Ms Black's bedroom, she knocked onto the door.

Instead Mr Black was the one that opened.

He smiled and asked," What brings you here, my little one?"

"I was... looking for mom." She said

He smiled and said," Come in."

She walked in their room and Ms Black gestured for her to sit next to her on the bed.

Ms Black suddenly hugged her and said," did you just calm me mom, I was waiting for that."

Mr Black frowned and asked," What about me?"

Ms Black said," Don't calm him dad yet, he doesn't deserve it yet." She chuckled causing Summer to smile

Mr Black groaned and said," Don't worry I still have my boys I'm sure they would be happy to see me."

He left and Ms Black shook her head.

"So what's bothering you?" She asked

Summer hesitated before asking," Why-why didn't you want me near that boy we met at the restaurant?"

Her mother sighed and said," it's a long story but not too long, but I don't know if you are ready yet."

"It's not that we hate him near you after all we made a promise."

"What promise?" Summer asked

Her mother sighed before saying," It's was a long time ago, before any of your siblings were born. Me and your father and his best friend and girlfriend promised that if me and your father had a daughter and they promised that if they had a son, the two of you would be married." She explained," it was dumb of us to assume that but that's what we wanted."

" Draco Osvaldo Saint but he goes by Osvaldo."she said," he found out about the promise and cursed that he won't do such a thing and if we force it upon him, he was going to kill you so we broke it off." She said

"Who's Osvaldo?" She asked

Her mother raised her eyebrows and said," The guy I warned you about."

Summer nodded her head.

Draco suits him better but it is what it is.

So this is why he hates me. But they broke it off, so why.

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