chapter 16

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Let's just say, meeting her cousins was overwhelming.

They had not given her space to breath, since she happened to be the only girl.

"Why didn't you tell me that there was going to be so many so them?!" She whispered yelled at Derek

Derek shrugged his shoulders and said," I forgot."

Summer sighed, exhausted from meeting her cousins.

"Look at the bright side, you can feeling go rest." Derek said

Waking up the next day was a struggle for Summer.

What if I skip school.

She thought but she was sure Scarlett was going kill her for missing out on their small band.

She yawned and stretched out her arms.

Walking downstairs she found Mrs and Mr Black together in the kitchen.

His arms were around her waist while she prepared breakfast.

Mrs Black kept on smiling while he gave her neck kisses.

"Oh my gosh, I think I'm gonna puke." Ricky said while entering the kitchen from the living room

He walked to Summer and ruffled her hair.

"See that." He said pointing at their parents," Is a bad example. So don't follow them."

Summer smiled at the two and shook her head.

" I'm serious!" Ricky jokingly yelled

Walking down to her second class, Summer saw a familiar person.

"Hey." She said as she watched him look around in confusion before setting his eyes on her

"Hi." He greeted back softly

She knew him but she hadn't gotten his name.

"I'm Summer." She said and he looked down at her hand, hesitating to shake it

"Call me Dawn." He said while slowly taking her hand and shaking it

After the exchange, Summer gave him a small smile but it didn't last long.

She felt a hand on her shoulders. She looked up and saw one of her brothers.

"Hello princess." He said

"Hi Ricky." Summer greeted back

"Mind telling me what the both of you are talking about?" He asked," you seemed to be smiling quite a lot."

Dawn hanged his head down and Summer knew that he felt uncomfortable.

"His my classmate and I just wanted to know his name." Summer explained

Ricky raised his eyebrows, not believing a single word she just said.

"I wonder if everyone is gonna believe that." He said before walking away

Her mouth hanged opened.

She sure knew that he was going to mix up things.

She sighed and checked to see if Dawn was still there.

And sadly, he had left.

"Summer!" Scarlett called her like normally, she had gotten used to Scarlett yelling her name every once in awhile

Summer sat down on the lunch table , placing her homemade lunch next to her.

"Guess what?" Emily asked

"What?" Scarlett asked, as if she was supposed to know what Emily was going to say

Emily sighed and said," My sister said that we could join them and preform after them."

"Like live?" Summer asked

And the two nodded.

Summer nodded and suggested," Can we at least wear masks?"

The two looked at each other.

" That's a great idea." Scarlett said," we could be mysterious."

"And we could design them to fit our attire." Emily added

"I knew you would come in handy." Scarlett said to Summer

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