chapter 29

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"I thought you were good friends with my family." Summer said to Emma's father

Emma's father sighed and sat on the chair in front of her.

"There's no friends in this kind of life style." He said," and when word went out that you were still alive, their precious Princess which happens to be their greatest weakness. Do you know how famous you are?"

Summer glared at the man in front of her and scoffed.

"So" she paused for a moment and said," You think killing me will destroy my family, wouldn't that make them worse. Even if I haven't been in the Mafia for long, I know that killing me won't bring them down."

The man in front of her chuckled and said," We'll see."

Summer hissed as the rope began to hurt her wrist as she tried to free herself.

She groaned then stared at the floor.

How was she supposed to let her family know that she was in danger.

Suddenly the door opened, leading Summer to scoff when she saw who it was.

"Just checking in. You hungry?"Emma asked, putting on a innocent front

"You know, it wasn't supposed to end up like this. Like...I mean if you didn't act up we would have treated you differently."

Summer rolled her eyes and said," Piss off."

" You're such a b*tch. I was just trying to be nice and if I were you I would behave because you don't have the upper hand here." Emma said then flipped her hair as she walked out

Summer really hated this. At this point she wish she could go back in time where things were awkward between her and her family.

It was way better than this.

"A deal is a deal." Summer heard Emma's dad say outside of the door, "If you want her, you have to give me what you promised."

"Okay." Summer heard a deep voice say before chaos followed after

She heard multiple of guns go off then silence followed after.

Summer felt her mouth go dry as she tried to picture what happened outside.

She jerked as the door slammed onto the wall.

She closed her eyes and looked away.

Hoping for everything to be done quickly.

But to her misery she felt someone lift her chin up with their finger.

"Aren't you a beauty." The man said while she tried to free her chin from his hold

"What do you want with me?" She asked as she gave up in escaping

The man chuckled at her failed attempt then said," You."

Summer stared at the man in horror. Saying she was scared was a understatement, she was petrified.

The man in front of her almost looked like her father, like an exact copy.

"Who-who are you?" She stuttered

The man smiled and said," We have so much to catch up on my niece."

Summer stared at her uncle as he bit into the strawberry cake.

She didn't know how he could act normal, after he scared the sh*t out of her.

"You're lucky I was in town, otherwise I wouldn't have heard what that scam of a family were planning." He said as he pointed the fork at her

"And I can't believe he believed everything I told him, you should have seen the hope he had but do you know what I liked most, the fear he had after I shot his wife before murdering his whole family in front of him." Her uncle," that was a sight I'm willing to relive."

Summer stared at her uncle in horror, rethinking about her safety.

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